30 letters
50 letters
90. Molnar, G., Rodney, D., Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J., Nishiyama, Y., Mazeau, K.,
Orgéas, L. Cellulose crystals plastify by localized shear.Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA, p. 201800098
Journal impact factor: 9.4 10.1073/pnas.1800098115DownloadSupplementary informationMovie 1Movie 2Movie 3Movie 4Movie 5Movie 6Highlighted in a Commentary of PNAS by F. Martin-Martinez: "Designing nanocellulose materials from the molecular scale"NanocelluloseSimulationBiosourced Materials
Orgéas, L.Chain-mail fabric stiffens under confining pressure.NatureJournal impact factor: 50.5 10.1038/d41586-021-02116-2DownloadSimulationMechanical TestsEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures3D printing
60 letters
10. Le Corre, S.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Tourabi, A., Maazouz, A., Venet, C.
Shear and compression behaviour of sheet moulding compounds.Composites Science and Technology, p. 571-577
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/S0266-3538(01)00151-8DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
21. Le Corre, S., Dumont, P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Rheology of highly concentrated planar fiber suspensions.Journal of Rheology, p. 1029-1058
Journal impact factor: 3 10.1122/1.1993594DownloadRheologyCompositesModellingMechanical TestsHomogenisationFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
41. Bloch, J.-F., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Bouquet, N.
Quelques aspects du comportement hygromécanique du papier.Mechanics and Industry, p. 43-48
Journal impact factor: 1.2 10.1051/meca/2009031DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingHygromechanical coupling
79. Rodney, D., Gadot, B., Riu Martinez, O., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L. Reversible dilatancy in entangled single-wire materials.Nature Materials, p. 72-77
Journal impact factor: 37.2 10.1038/NMAT4429DownloadSupplementary informationMovieSimulationModellingMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
86. Calgar, B.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Sözer, M., Michaud, V.
Permeability of textile fabrics with spherical inclusions.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 1-14
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.03.031DownloadSimulationCompositesTextiles3D imagingPermeationLiquid Composite Moulding
70 letters
9. Vivet, A.,
Orgéas, L., Lexcellent, C., Favier, D., Bernardini, J.
Shear and tensile pseudoelastic behaviour of CuZnAl Single Crystals.Scripta Materialia, p. 33-40
Journal impact factor: 5.3 10.1016/S1359-6462(01)00988-5DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
26. Dumont, P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Pizette, P., Venet, C.
Compression moulding of SMC: in situ experiments, modelling and simulation.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 353-368
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2006.03.010DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
52. Demanget, N., Avril, S., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J;-N., Favre, J.-P.
Computational comparison of the bending behaviour of aortic stent-grafts.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 272-282
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2011.09.006DownloadSimulationModellingTextilesMechanical TestsAneurysmsBiomaterials
58. Marulier, C., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Caillerie, D.
Towards 3D analysis of pulp fibre networks at the fibre and bond level.Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal , p. 245-255
Journal impact factor: 0.9DownloadBiosourced Materials3D imaging
64. Sundaray, B., Bossard, F., Latil, P., Orgeas, L., Sanchez, J.Y., Lepretre, J.C.
Unusual process-induced curl and shrinkage of electrospun PVDF membranes.Polymer, p. 4588-4593
Journal impact factor: 4.6 10.1016/j.polymer.2013.05.049DownloadMechanical TestsField Measurements
73. Marulier, C., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Caillerie, D.
3D analysis of paper microstructures at the scale of fibres and bonds.Cellulose, p. 1517-1539
Journal impact factor: 4.9 10.1007/s10570-015-0610-6DownloadBiosourced Materials3D imaging
113. Haji, O., Song, X., Hivet, A., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Sinoimeri, A., Hivet, G., Blond, E.
Modeling of Quasi-Parallel Fiber Networks at the Microscopic Scale.Applied Composites MaterialsJournal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s10443-023-10105-zDownloadSimulationCompositesModellingTextilesMechanical Tests3D imaging
123. Aimar, C.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bailly, L., Ferré Sentis, D.
Compression fatigue of elastomeric foams used in midsoles of running shoes.Footwear Science, p. 1-11
Journal impact factor: 2.7 10.1080/19424280.2024.2317881DownloadMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresFatigue
80 letters
17. Idris, Z.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F., Auriault, J.-L.
Microstructural effects on the flow of power-law fluid through fibrous media.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering , p. 995-1015
Journal impact factor: 1.9 10.1088/0965-0393/12/5/016DownloadCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
42. Loix, F., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, P., Boisse, P., Bloch, J.-F.
Flow of non-Newtonian liquid polymers through deformed composite reinforcements.Composites Science and Technology, p. 612-619
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2008.12.007DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
56. Demanget, N., Badel, P., Avril, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J;-N., Favre, J.-P.
Mechanical performances of stent grafts within tortuous abdominal aortic aneurysms.Journal of Biomechanics, p. S311
Journal impact factor: 2.4DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
67. Viguié, J., Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bloch, J.-F., Marulier, C., Guiraud, O.
Finding fibres and their contacts within 3D images of disordered fibrous media.Composites Science and Technology, p. 202-210
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2013.09.023DownloadCompositesBiosourced Materials3D imaging
68. Perrin, D., Badel, P., Avril, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N., Favre, J.-P.
Digital simulation of the delivery of stentgrafts: towards a clinical application.Annals of Vascular Surgery, p. 1364-1364
Journal impact factor: 1.4 10.1016/j.avsg.2014.06.028DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
70. Bailly, L., Toungara, M.,
Orgéas, L., Bertrand, E., Deplano, V., Geindreau, C.
In-plane mechanics of soft architectured fibre-reinforced silicone rubber membranes.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 339-353
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.09.012DownloadCompositesMechanical TestsField MeasurementsHomogenisationAneurysmsBiomaterials
74. Martoïa, F., Perge, C., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Fardin, M.A., Manneville, S., Belgacem, M.N.
Heterogeneous Flow Kinematics of Cellulose Nanofibril Suspensions under Shear.Soft Matter, p. 4742-4755
Journal impact factor: 2.9 10.1039/c5sm00530bDownloadFront cover of Soft MatterSoft Matter Hot PaperFront cover of Soft Matter,
Published in the 2015 "Soft Matter Hot Papers"
RheologyNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField MeasurementsFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
80. Joffre, T., Isaksson, P., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Sticko, S.,
Orgéas, L., Gamstedt, K.
A method to measure moisture induced swelling properties of a single wood cell.Experimental Mechanics, p. 723-733
Journal impact factor: 2 10.1007/s11340-015-0119-9DownloadSimulationBiosourced Materials3D imagingHygromechanical coupling
101. Depriester, D., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau C., Levrard, B., Brémond, F.
Individual fibre separation in 3D fibrous materials imaged by X-ray tomography.Journal of Microscopy, p. 1-20
Journal impact factor: 1.5 10.1111/jmi.13096DownloadCompositesTextilesBiosourced Materials3D imaging
103. Caglar, B., Broggi, G., Ali, M.A.,
Orgéas, L., Michaud, V.
Deep learning accelerated prediction of the permeability of fibrous microstructures.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106973
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106973DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingTextilesPermeationLiquid Composite Moulding
90 letters
7. Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L., Ferrier, D., Poncin, P., Liu, Y.
Influence of manufacturing methods on the homogeneity and properties of Nitinol tubular stents.Journal de Physique IV, p. 541-546
Journal impact factor: 0.351 10.1051/jp4:2001890DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Gabathuler, J.-P., Imwinkelried, T., Paradies, C., Rappaz, M.
Modelling of semi-solid processing using a modified temperature-dependent power-law model.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering , p. 553-574
Journal impact factor: 1.9 10.1088/0965-0393/11/4/309DownloadRheologySimulationModelling
Orgéas, L., Vivet, A., Favier, D., Lexcellent, C., Liu, Y.
Hysteretic behaviour of a Cu-Zn-Al single crystal during superelastic shear deformation.Scripta Materialia, p. 297-302
Journal impact factor: 5.3 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2004.04.033DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
19. Dumont, P., Le Corre, S.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Gaborit, C., Lory, P.
Finite element implementation of a two-phase model for compression molding of composites.European Journal of Computational Mechanics, p. 885-902
No impact factor available 10.3166/reef.14.885-902DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
29. Dumont, P., Vassal, J.-P.,
Orgéas, L., Michaud, V., Favier, D., Manson, J.-A.E.
Processing, characterisation and rheology of transparent concentrated fibre bundle suspensions.Rheologica Acta, p. 639-651
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s00397-006-0153-8DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
33. Loix, F., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, P., Boisse, P., Bloch, J.-F.
Modelling of the flow of generalised Newtonian fluids through deformed textile reinforcements.International Journal of Material Forming, p. 903-906
Journal impact factor: 2.6 10.1007/s12289-008-0242-6DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
38. Meunier, L., Chagnon, G., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Experimental and numerical study of the mechanical behaviour of an unfilled silicone rubber.Polymer Testing, p. 765-777
Journal impact factor: 5 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2008.05.011DownloadSimulationModellingMechanical TestsField MeasurementsBiomaterials
39. Loix, F., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, P., Boisse, P.
Woven fabric permeability: from textile deformation to fluid flow mesoscale simulations.Composites Science and Technology, p. 1624-1630
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2008.02.027DownloadSimulationCompositesPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
Orgéas, L., Le, T.H., Dumont, P.J.J., Favier, D.
Lubricated compression of BMC, a concentrated and fibre-reinforced granular polymer suspension.Rheologica Acta, p. 677-688
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s00397-008-0276-1DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
60. Demanget, N., Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Badel, P., Avril, S., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N., Favre, J.-P.
Severe bending of two aortic stent-grafts: an experimental and numerical mechanical analysis.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, p. 2674-2686
Journal impact factor: 3 10.1007/s10439-012-0618-0DownloadSimulationTextilesMechanical Tests3D imagingAneurysmsBiomaterials
61. Guiraud, O., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L.How to prepare SMC and BMC-like compounds to perform relevant rheological experiments?.Applied Composites Materials, p. 157-169
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s10443-012-9261-zDownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
62. Demanget, N., Duprey, A., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Avril, S., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N., Favre, J.-P.
Finite element analysis of the mechanical performances of eight marketed aortic stent-grafts.Journal of Endovascular Therapy , p. 523-535
Journal impact factor: 1.7 10.1583/12-4063.1DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
63. Bouaziz, O., Masse, J.-P., Allain, S.,
Orgéas, L., Latil, P.
Compression of crumpled Aluminum thin foils and comparison with other cellular materials.Materials Science and Engineering: A, p. 1-7
Journal impact factor: 6.4 10.1016/j.msea.2013.01.031DownloadMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
71. Perrin, D., Demanget, N., Badel, P., Avril, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N.
Deployment of stent-grafts in curved aneurysmal arteries: towards a predictive numerical tool.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, p. e02698
Journal impact factor: 2.2 10.1002/cnm.2698DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
88. Martoïa, F.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Bloch, J.-F., Flin, F., Viguié, J.
Crumpled Paper Sheets: Low-cost Biobased Cellular Materials for Structural Applications.Materials & Design , p. 150-164
Journal impact factor: 7.6 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.09.031DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D imagingHygromechanical couplingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
95. Cochereau, T., Bailly, L., Orgéas ,L., Henrich Bernardoni, N., Robert, Y, Terrien, M.
Mechanics of human vocal folds layers during finite strains in tension, compression and shear.Journal of Biomechanics, p. 109956
Journal impact factor: 2.4 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.109956DownloadVocal FoldsMechanical Tests
116. Kabbej, M., Guillard, V., Angellier-Coussy, H., Thoury-Monbrun, V., Gontard, N.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Gaucel, S.
Cascading (3D) reconstruction procedure of composite structures from microtomography data.MethodsXJournal impact factor: 1.6citescore: 2.8 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102177DownloadSimulationCompositesBiosourced Materials3D imagingConduction/Diffusion
100 letters
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Application of the beam theory to model the pseudoelastic and ferroelastic bending of SMA beams.Journal de Physique IV, p. 519-524
Journal impact factor: 0.351DownloadShape Memory AlloysModellingMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Liu, Y., Favier, D.
Experimental study of mechanical hysteresis of NiTi during ferroelastic and pseudoelastic deformation.Journal de Physique IV, p. 477-482
Journal impact factor: 0.351DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Idris, Z., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F., Auriault, .J-L.
Modelling the flow of power-law fluids through anisotropic porous media at low pore Reynolds number.Chemical Engineering Science , p. 4490-4502
Journal impact factor: 4.1 10.1016/j.ces.2006.01.046DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
34. Le, T.H., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Salvo, L., Boller, E.
X-ray phase contrast microtomography for the analysis of the fibrous microstructure of SMC composites.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 91-103
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2007.08.027DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
46. Chalencon, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Foray, G., Cavaillé, J.-Y., Maire, E., Rolland du Roscoat
Lubricated compression and X-ray microtomography to analyse the rheology of a fibre-reinforced mortar.Rheologica Acta, p. 221-235
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s00397-009-0393-5DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
51. Chagnon, G., Gaudin, V., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L., Cinquin, P.
An osmotically inflatable seal to treat endoleaks of type 1, following endovascular aneurysm repair.Journal of Mechanics in Medecine and Biology, p. 1250070
Journal impact factor: 0.8 10.1142/S0219519412004958DownloadSimulationModellingMechanical TestsField MeasurementsBiomaterials
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Vassal, J.-P., Guiraud, O., Michaud, V., Favier, D.
In-plane conduction of polymer composites plates reinforced with architectured networks of Copper fibres.Journal of Materials Science, p. 2932-2942
Journal impact factor: 3.5 10.1007/s10853-011-6126-zDownloadCompositesModelling3D imagingConduction/Diffusion
75. Perrin, D., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Duménil, A., Albertini, J.-N., Avril, S.
Patient-specific numerical simulation of stent-graft deployment: validation on three clinical cases.Journal of Biomechanics, p. 1868-1875
Journal impact factor: 2.4 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.04.031DownloadSimulationAneurysmsBiomaterials
85. Ferré Sentis, D., Cochereau, T.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Laurencin, T., Sager, M., Terrien, M.,
Tensile behaviour of uncured Sheet Moulding Compounds: rheology and flow-induced microstructures.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 459-470
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.07.003DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
92. Thibaut, C., Denneulin, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Beneventi, D.,
Orgéas, L., Chaussy, D.
A fibrous cellulose paste formulation to manufacture structural parts using 3D printing by extrusion.Carbohydrate Polymers, p. 119-128
Journal impact factor: 10.7 10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.01.076DownloadRheologyBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D printing
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Martoïa, F., Marulier, C., Le Corre, S., Caillerie, D.
On the role of fibre bonds on the elasticity of low-density papers: a micro-mechanical approach.Cellulose, p. 1-23
Journal impact factor: 4.9 10.1007/s10570-021-04098-wDownloadSimulationModellingBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsHomogenisation
120. Luisard, P., Bailly, L., Yousefi Mashouf, H., Girault, R.,
Orgéas, L., Henrich Bernardoni, N.
Flow-induced oscillations of vocal-fold replicas with tuned extensibility and material properties.Scientific Reports, p. 22658
Journal impact factor: 3.8 10.1038/s41598-023-48080-xDownloadVocal FoldsMechanical TestsBiomaterialsVibration
110 letters
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Stress state effects on mechanical behaviour of shape memory alloys: experimental characterisation and modelling.Journal de Physique IV, p. 67-74
Journal impact factor: 0.351 10.1051/jp4:2001812DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
22. Favier, L., Liu, Y.,
Orgéas, L., Sandel, A., Debove, L., Comte-Gaz, P.
Influence of thermomechanical processing on the superelastic properties of a Ni-rich nitinol shape memory alloy.Materials Science and Engineering: A, p. 130-136
Journal impact factor: 6.4 10.1016/j.msea.2006.05.018DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
25. Schlosser, P., Louche, H., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Image processing to estimate the heat sources related to phase transformations during tensile tests of NiTi tubes.Strain , p. 260-271
Journal impact factor: 1.8DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
44. Guiraud, O., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Vassal, J.-P., Le, T.H., Favier, D.
Towards the mould filling simulation of polymer composites reinforced with mineral fillers and short glass fibres.International Journal of Material Forming, p. S1313-S1326
Journal impact factor: 2.6 10.1007/s12289-009-0658-7DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
45. Viguié, J., Dumont, P.J.J, Vacher, P.,
Orgéas, L., Desloges, I., Mauret, E.
Analysis of the strain and stress fields of cardboard box during compression by 3D Digital Image Correlation.Applied Mechanics and Materials, p. 103-108
No impact factor available 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.24-25.103DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements
47. Le, T.H.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Research on the thermal and mechanical behaviour of thermoset polymer composites reinforced with glass fibres.Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam), p. 95-100
No impact factor availableDownloadRheologyCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
49. Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Towards the 3D in situ Characterisation of deformation micro-mechanisms within a compressed bundle of fibres.Composites Science and Technology, p. 480-488
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2010.12.023DownloadRheologyCompositesTextilesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
76. Gadot, B., Riu-Martinez, O., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bouvard, D., Rodney, D.,
Orgéas, L.Entangled single-wire NiTi material: a porous metal with tunable superelastic and shape memory properties.Acta Materialia, p. 311-323
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.actamat.2015.06.018DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresBiomaterials
77. Chalencon, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Foray, G., Cavaillé, J.-Y., Maire, E.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous rheology and flow-induced microstructures of a fresh fiber-reinforced mortar.Cement and Concrete Research , p. 130-141
Journal impact factor: 10.9 10.1016/j.cemconres.2015.12.012DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
81. Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Belgacem, M.N., Putaux, J.-L.
Micro-mechanics of electrostatically stabilized suspensions of cellulose nanofibrils under steady state shear flow.Soft Matter, p. 1721-1735
Journal impact factor: 2.9 10.1039/c5sm02310fDownloadSupplementary informationRheologyNanocelluloseMechanical TestsHomogenisationFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
82. Martoïa, F., Cochereau, T., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Terrien, M., Belgacem, M.N.
Cellulose NanoFibrils Foams: links between ice-templating conditions, microstructures and mechanical properties.Materials & Design , p. 364-391
Journal impact factor: 7.6 10.1016/j.matdes.2016.04.088DownloadNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
83. Perrin, D., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Albertini, J.-N., Avril, S.
Patient-specific simulation of endovascular repair surgery with tortuous aneurysms requiring flexible stent-grafts.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 86-99
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.06.013DownloadSimulationTextiles3D imagingAneurysmsBiomaterials
84. Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Belgacem, M.N., Putaux, J.-L.
On the origin of the elasticity of cellulose nanofibrils nanocomposites and nanopapers: a micromechanical approach.RSC Advances, p. 47258-47271
Journal impact factor: 3.9 10.1039/c6ra07176gDownloadNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsHomogenisation
89. Bailly, L., Cochereau, T.,
Orgéas, L., Henrich Bernardoni, N., Rolland du Roscoat, S., McLeer-Florin, A., Robert, Y., Laval, X., Laurencin, T., Chaffanjon, P., Fayard, B., Boller, E.
3D multiscale imaging of human vocal folds using synchrotron X-ray microtomography in phase retrieval mode.Scientific Reports, p. 14003
Journal impact factor: 3.8DownloadSupplementary informationHighlighted in the "ESRF Spotlight on Science"!Vocal Folds3D imaging
98. Abdul Ghafour, T., Balbinot, C., Audry, N., Martoïa, F.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Vroman, E., Boller, E.
Permeability of flax fibre mats: numerical and theoretical prediction from 3D X-ray microtomography images.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106644
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106644DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingBiosourced Materials3D imagingPermeationLiquid Composite Moulding
111. Syerko, E., Schmidt, T., May, D., Binetruy, C., Advani, S.G., Lomov, S., Silva, L., Abaimov, S., Aissa, N., Akhatov, I., Ali, M., Asiaban, N., Broggi, G., Bruchon, J., Caglar, B., Digonnet, L., Dittmann, J., Drapier, S., Endruweit, A., Guilloux, A., Kandinskii, R., Leygue, A., Mahato, B., Martinez, P., Matveev, M., Michaud, V., Middendorf, P., Moulin, N.,
Orgéas, L., Park, C.H., Rief, S., Rouhi, M., Sergeichev, I., Shakoor, M., Shishkina, O., Y. Swolfs, Y.
Benchmark Exercise on Image-Based Permeability Determination of Engineering Textiles: Microscale Predictions.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107397
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107397DownloadSimulationCompositesTextiles3D imagingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
117. Stamati, O.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Lhuissier, P., Dumont, P.J.J., Martoïa, F.
Advanced analysis of the bias-extension of woven fabrics with X-ray microtomography and Digital Volume Correlation.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107748
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107748DownloadCompositesTextilesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imaging
119. Ferri-Angulo, D., Yousefi-Mashouf, H., Michel, M., McLeer, A.,
Orgéas, L., Bailly, L., Sohier, J.
Versatile fiber-reinforced hydrogels to mimic the microstructure and mechanics of human vocal-fold upper layers .Acta Biomaterialia, p. 92-105
Journal impact factor: 9.4 10.1016/j.actbio.2023.09.035DownloadCompositesVocal FoldsMechanical TestsBiomaterials
124. Klos, A., Bailly, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Henrich Bernardoni, N., Broche, L., King, A.
Optimising 4D imaging of fast-oscillating structures using X-ray microtomography with retrospective gating.Scientific Reports, p. 20499
Journal impact factor: 3.8 10.1038/s41598-024-68684-1DownloadComposites3D imagingVibration
120 letters
31. Schlosser, P., Louche, H., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Experimental characterization of NiTi SMAs thermomechanical behaviour using temperature and strain full-field measurements.Advanced Science and Technology , p. 140-149
No impact factor availableDownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Michaud, V., Favier, D.
Separation of the polymer matrix and the fibrous reinforcement during compression moulding of Glass Mat Thermoplastics (GMT).International Journal of Material Forming, p. 929-932
Journal impact factor: 2.6 10.1007/s12289-008-0249-zDownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
36. Vassal, J.-P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Auriault, J.-L., Le Corre, S.
Upscaling the diffusion equations in particulate media made of highly conductive particles. Part I: theoretical aspects.Physical Review E, p. 011302
Journal impact factor: 2.2 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.011302DownloadCompositesModellingHomogenisationConduction/Diffusion
93. Cavinato, C., Molimard, J., Curt, N., Campisi, S.,
Orgéas, L., Badel, P.
Does the knowledge of the local thickness of human ascending thoracic aneurysm walls improve their mechanical analysis?.Frontiers in Bioengineering and BiotechnologyJournal impact factor: 4.3 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00169DownloadMechanical TestsField MeasurementsAneurysms
102. Balbinot, C., Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Bloch, J.-F., Rolland du Roscoat, S, Boller, E., Flin, F., Carion, P., Latil, P.
In situ 3D observations of capillary-driven flows in parallel arrangements of rigid fibres using X-ray microtomography.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106941
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106941DownloadCompositesField Measurements3D imagingLiquid Composite Moulding Impregnation
104. Martoïa, F., Gupta, S., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L.Rheology of concentrated and highly concentrated enzymatic cellulose nanofibril hydrogels during lubricated compression.Carbohydrate Polymers, p. 119911
Journal impact factor: 10.7 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.119911DownloadRheologyNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
108. Kabej, M., Guillard, V., Agellier-Coussy, H., Thoury-Monbrin, V., Gontard, N.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Gaucel, S.
From 3D real structure to 3D modelled structure: Modelling water vapor permeability in polypropylene/cellulose composites.PolymerJournal impact factor: 4.6 10.1016/j.polymer.2023.125672DownloadModellingBiosourced Materials3D imagingConduction/Diffusion
110. Amedewovo, L., Levy, A., de Parscau du Plessix, B., Aubril, J., Arrive, A.,
Orgéas, L., Le Corre, S.
A methodology for online characterization of the deconsolidation of fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite laminates.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107412
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107412DownloadComposites(De)consolidation
130 letters
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Rio, G.
Déformation superélastique non homogène d'une éprouvette de traction de NiTi : expérience et modélisation numérique.European Journal of Computational Mechanics, p. 111-136
No impact factor availableDownloadShape Memory AlloysSimulationModelling
35. Vassal, J.-P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Auriault, J.-L., Le Corre, S.
Upscaling the diffusion equations in particulate media made of highly conductive particles. Part II: Application to fibrous materials.Physical Review E, p. 011303
Journal impact factor: 2.2 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.011303DownloadSimulationCompositesHomogenisationConduction/Diffusion
48. Viguié, J., Dumont, P.J.J, Rolland du Roscoat, S., Vacher, P.,
Orgéas, L., Desloges, I., Mauret, E., Bloch, J.-F.
Apport des nouvelles techniques expérimentales à l’étude des comportements mécanique et hygroexpansif des emballages cartons.Revue ATIP , p. 15-22
No impact factor availableDownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingHygromechanical coupling
65. Lemercier, A., Bailly, L., Geindreau, C., Toungara, M., Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Deplano, V., Boucard, N.
Comparison between the mechanical behaviour of the human healthy AA and commercial prostheses under various mechanical loadings.Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering , p. 315-317
Journal impact factor: 1.7 10.1080/10255842.2013.815930DownloadSimulationTextilesMechanical TestsHomogenisationAneurysmsBiomaterials
69. Laurent, C., Latil, P., Durville, D., Rahouadj, R., Geindreau, C.,
Orgéas, L., Ganghoffer, J.-F.
Mechanical behaviour of a fibrous scaffold for ligament tissue engineering: finite elements analysis vs. X-ray tomography imaging.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 222-233
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.09.003DownloadSimulationTextilesMechanical Tests3D imagingBiomaterials
99. Ferré-Sentis, D., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Martoïa, F., Sager, M.
Rheological response of compressible SMCs under various deformation kinematics: Experimental aspects and simple modelling approach.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106774
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106774DownloadRheologyCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
107. Dumont, PJ.J., Gupta, S., Martoia, F.,
Orgéas, L.Elongational behaviour of electrostatically stabilised and concentrated CNF and CNC hydrogels: experimental aspects and modelling.Carbohydrate PolymersJournal impact factor: 10.7 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120168DownloadRheologyNanocelluloseModellingBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
112. Laurencin, T., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Le corre, S., Martoïa, F., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Laure, P.
3D real time and in situ observation of the fibre orientation during the plane strain flow of concentrated fibre suspensions.Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, p. 104978
Journal impact factor: 2.7 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2022.104978DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
118. Aimar, C.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bailly, L., Ferré Sentis, D.
Fatigue mechanisms of a closed cell elastomeric foam: a mechanical and microstructural study using ex situ X-ray microtomography.Polymer Testing, p. 108194
Journal impact factor: 5 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2023.108194DownloadHighlighted in a commentary of Science FeaturedMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresFatigue
122. Amedewovo, L.,
Orgéas, L., de Pascau du Plessis, B., Lefevre, N., Lévy, A., Le Corre, S.
Deconsolidation of carbon fiber-reinforced PEKK laminates: 3D real-time in situ observation with synchrotron X-Ray microtomography.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107917
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107917DownloadComposites3D imaging(De)consolidation
140 letters
14. Liu, Y., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Mechanistic simulation of thermomechanical behaviour of thermoelastic martensitic transformations in polycrystalline shape memory alloys.Journal de Physique IV, p. 37-45
Journal impact factor: 0.351 10.1051/jp4:2004115005DownloadShape Memory AlloysModellingMechanical Tests
59. Guiraud, O., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Rheometry of compression moulded fibre-reinforced polymer composites: rheology, compressibility, and friction forces with mould surfaces.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 2107-2119
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2012.06.006DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
87. Ferré Sentis, D.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Sager, M., Latil, P.
3D in situ observations of the compressibility and pore transport in Sheet Moulding Compounds during the early stages of compression moulding.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 51-61
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2016.10.031DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingPermeationFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
105. Touron, M., Celle, C.,
Orgéas, L., Simonato, J.-P.
Hybrid Silver Nanowire - CMC Aerogels: from 1D Nanomaterials to 3D Electrically Conductive and Mechanically Resistant Lightweight Architectures..ACS NanoJournal impact factor: 15.8 10.1021/acsnano.2c04288DownloadMechanical TestsEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresConduction/Diffusion
Orgéas, L., Gupta, S., Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.
Ice-templating hydrogels with high concentrations of cellulose nanofibers to produce architected cellular materials for structural applications.Materials & Design Journal impact factor: 7.6 10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111201DownloadNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
121. Jeannin T., Arnold, G., Bourmaud, A., Stéphane Corn, S., De Luycker, E., Dumont, P.J.J., Ferreira, M., François, C., Grégoire, M., Harzallah, O., Heurtel, J., Joannès, S., Kervoelen, A., Rashed Labanieh, A.R., Le Moigne, N., Martoïa, F.,
Orgéas, L., Ouagne, P., Soulat, D., Vivet, A. , Placet, V.
A round-robin study on the tensile characterization of single fibres: a multifactorial analysis and recommendations for more reliable results.Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingJournal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108323DownloadCompositesBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests
150 letters
50. Viguié, J., Dumont, P.J.J, Vacher, P.,
Orgéas, L., Desloges, I., Mauret, E.
Surface stress and strain fields on compressed panels of corrugated board boxes. An experimental analysis by using Digital Image Stereo-Correlation.Composites Structures, p. 2861-2873
Journal impact factor: 6.3 10.1016/j.compstruct.2011.05.018DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements
57. Guiraud, O.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Microstructure and deformation micro-mechanisms of concentrated fibre bundle suspensions: an analysis combining X-ray microtomography and pull-out tests.Journal of Rheology, p. 593-623
Journal impact factor: 3 10.1122/1.3698185DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
78. Laurencin, T., Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Laure, P., Le Corre, S., Silva, L., Mokso, R., Terrien, M.
3D real-time and in situ characterisation of fibre kinematics in dilute non-Newtonian fibre suspensions during confined and lubricated compression flow.Composites Science and Technology, p. 258-266
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2016.09.004DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
160 letters
55. Louche, H., Schlosser, P., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Heat source processing for localized deformation with nonconstant thermal conductivity. Application to superelastic tensile tests of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys.Experimental Mechanics, p. 1313-1328
Journal impact factor: 2 10.1007/s11340-012-9607-3DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
94. Laurencin, T., Laure, P.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Silva, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Fibre kinematics in dilute non-Newtonian fibre suspensions during confined and lubricated squeeze flow: direct numerical simulation and analytical modelling.Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid MechanicsJournal impact factor: 2.7 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2019.104187DownloadRheologySimulationModelling3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
170 letters
114. Amedewovo, L., Levy, A., de Parscau du Plessix, B.,
Orgéas, L., Le Corre, S.
Online characterization of moisture transport in a high performance carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite at high temperatures: identification of diffusion kinetics.Composites Part B: EngineeringJournal impact factor: 12.7 10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110629DownloadCompositesModellingConduction/Diffusion
115. Murtaza, H., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Lhuissier P., Salvo, L.,
Orgéas, L., Thibaut, C., Denneulin, A., Chaussy, D., Beneventi, D.
Air-drying of 3D printed part made of ligno-cellulosic fibres: 3D real-time monitoring combining fast laboratory X-Rays microtomography and digital volume correlation.Cellulose, p. 6173-6185
Journal impact factor: 4.9 10.1007/s10570-023-05290-wDownloadBiosourced MaterialsField Measurements3D imagingHygromechanical couplingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels3D printing
180 letters
28. Favier, D., Louche, H., Schlosser, P.,
Orgéas, L., Vacher, P., Debove, L.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous deformation mechanisms in a austenitic polycrystalline Ti-50.8at Ni thin tube under tension. Investigation via temperature and strain fieldsmeasurements.Acta Materialia, p. 5310-5322
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.actamat.2007.05.027DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
As a first author
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Application of the beam theory to model the pseudoelastic and ferroelastic bending of SMA beams.Journal de Physique IV, p. 519-524
Journal impact factor: 0.351DownloadShape Memory AlloysModellingMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Liu, Y., Favier, D.
Experimental study of mechanical hysteresis of NiTi during ferroelastic and pseudoelastic deformation.Journal de Physique IV, p. 477-482
Journal impact factor: 0.351DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Rio, G.
Déformation superélastique non homogène d'une éprouvette de traction de NiTi : expérience et modélisation numérique.European Journal of Computational Mechanics, p. 111-136
No impact factor availableDownloadShape Memory AlloysSimulationModelling
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Stress state effects on mechanical behaviour of shape memory alloys: experimental characterisation and modelling.Journal de Physique IV, p. 67-74
Journal impact factor: 0.351 10.1051/jp4:2001812DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Gabathuler, J.-P., Imwinkelried, T., Paradies, C., Rappaz, M.
Modelling of semi-solid processing using a modified temperature-dependent power-law model.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering , p. 553-574
Journal impact factor: 1.9 10.1088/0965-0393/11/4/309DownloadRheologySimulationModelling
Orgéas, L., Vivet, A., Favier, D., Lexcellent, C., Liu, Y.
Hysteretic behaviour of a Cu-Zn-Al single crystal during superelastic shear deformation.Scripta Materialia, p. 297-302
Journal impact factor: 5.3 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2004.04.033DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Idris, Z., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F., Auriault, .J-L.
Modelling the flow of power-law fluids through anisotropic porous media at low pore Reynolds number.Chemical Engineering Science , p. 4490-4502
Journal impact factor: 4.1 10.1016/j.ces.2006.01.046DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Michaud, V., Favier, D.
Separation of the polymer matrix and the fibrous reinforcement during compression moulding of Glass Mat Thermoplastics (GMT).International Journal of Material Forming, p. 929-932
Journal impact factor: 2.6 10.1007/s12289-008-0249-zDownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
Orgéas, L., Le, T.H., Dumont, P.J.J., Favier, D.
Lubricated compression of BMC, a concentrated and fibre-reinforced granular polymer suspension.Rheologica Acta, p. 677-688
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s00397-008-0276-1DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Vassal, J.-P., Guiraud, O., Michaud, V., Favier, D.
In-plane conduction of polymer composites plates reinforced with architectured networks of Copper fibres.Journal of Materials Science, p. 2932-2942
Journal impact factor: 3.5 10.1007/s10853-011-6126-zDownloadCompositesModelling3D imagingConduction/Diffusion
57. Guiraud, O.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Microstructure and deformation micro-mechanisms of concentrated fibre bundle suspensions: an analysis combining X-ray microtomography and pull-out tests.Journal of Rheology, p. 593-623
Journal impact factor: 3 10.1122/1.3698185DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
64. Sundaray, B., Bossard, F., Latil, P., Orgeas, L., Sanchez, J.Y., Lepretre, J.C.
Unusual process-induced curl and shrinkage of electrospun PVDF membranes.Polymer, p. 4588-4593
Journal impact factor: 4.6 10.1016/j.polymer.2013.05.049DownloadMechanical TestsField Measurements
93. Cavinato, C., Molimard, J., Curt, N., Campisi, S.,
Orgéas, L., Badel, P.
Does the knowledge of the local thickness of human ascending thoracic aneurysm walls improve their mechanical analysis?.Frontiers in Bioengineering and BiotechnologyJournal impact factor: 4.3 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00169DownloadMechanical TestsField MeasurementsAneurysms
95. Cochereau, T., Bailly, L., Orgéas ,L., Henrich Bernardoni, N., Robert, Y, Terrien, M.
Mechanics of human vocal folds layers during finite strains in tension, compression and shear.Journal of Biomechanics, p. 109956
Journal impact factor: 2.4 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.109956DownloadVocal FoldsMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Martoïa, F., Marulier, C., Le Corre, S., Caillerie, D.
On the role of fibre bonds on the elasticity of low-density papers: a micro-mechanical approach.Cellulose, p. 1-23
Journal impact factor: 4.9 10.1007/s10570-021-04098-wDownloadSimulationModellingBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsHomogenisation
Orgéas, L.Chain-mail fabric stiffens under confining pressure.NatureJournal impact factor: 50.5 10.1038/d41586-021-02116-2DownloadSimulationMechanical TestsEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures3D printing
Orgéas, L., Gupta, S., Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.
Ice-templating hydrogels with high concentrations of cellulose nanofibers to produce architected cellular materials for structural applications.Materials & Design Journal impact factor: 7.6 10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111201DownloadNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
As a last author
14. Liu, Y., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Mechanistic simulation of thermomechanical behaviour of thermoelastic martensitic transformations in polycrystalline shape memory alloys.Journal de Physique IV, p. 37-45
Journal impact factor: 0.351 10.1051/jp4:2004115005DownloadShape Memory AlloysModellingMechanical Tests
25. Schlosser, P., Louche, H., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Image processing to estimate the heat sources related to phase transformations during tensile tests of NiTi tubes.Strain , p. 260-271
Journal impact factor: 1.8DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
31. Schlosser, P., Louche, H., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Experimental characterization of NiTi SMAs thermomechanical behaviour using temperature and strain full-field measurements.Advanced Science and Technology , p. 140-149
No impact factor availableDownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
38. Meunier, L., Chagnon, G., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Experimental and numerical study of the mechanical behaviour of an unfilled silicone rubber.Polymer Testing, p. 765-777
Journal impact factor: 5 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2008.05.011DownloadSimulationModellingMechanical TestsField MeasurementsBiomaterials
55. Louche, H., Schlosser, P., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Heat source processing for localized deformation with nonconstant thermal conductivity. Application to superelastic tensile tests of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys.Experimental Mechanics, p. 1313-1328
Journal impact factor: 2 10.1007/s11340-012-9607-3DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
61. Guiraud, O., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L.How to prepare SMC and BMC-like compounds to perform relevant rheological experiments?.Applied Composites Materials, p. 157-169
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s10443-012-9261-zDownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
76. Gadot, B., Riu-Martinez, O., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bouvard, D., Rodney, D.,
Orgéas, L.Entangled single-wire NiTi material: a porous metal with tunable superelastic and shape memory properties.Acta Materialia, p. 311-323
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.actamat.2015.06.018DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresBiomaterials
79. Rodney, D., Gadot, B., Riu Martinez, O., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L. Reversible dilatancy in entangled single-wire materials.Nature Materials, p. 72-77
Journal impact factor: 37.2 10.1038/NMAT4429DownloadSupplementary informationMovieSimulationModellingMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
90. Molnar, G., Rodney, D., Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J., Nishiyama, Y., Mazeau, K.,
Orgéas, L. Cellulose crystals plastify by localized shear.Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA, p. 201800098
Journal impact factor: 9.4 10.1073/pnas.1800098115DownloadSupplementary informationMovie 1Movie 2Movie 3Movie 4Movie 5Movie 6Highlighted in a Commentary of PNAS by F. Martin-Martinez: "Designing nanocellulose materials from the molecular scale"NanocelluloseSimulationBiosourced Materials
Orgéas, L.Chain-mail fabric stiffens under confining pressure.NatureJournal impact factor: 50.5 10.1038/d41586-021-02116-2DownloadSimulationMechanical TestsEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures3D printing
104. Martoïa, F., Gupta, S., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L.Rheology of concentrated and highly concentrated enzymatic cellulose nanofibril hydrogels during lubricated compression.Carbohydrate Polymers, p. 119911
Journal impact factor: 10.7 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.119911DownloadRheologyNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
107. Dumont, PJ.J., Gupta, S., Martoia, F.,
Orgéas, L.Elongational behaviour of electrostatically stabilised and concentrated CNF and CNC hydrogels: experimental aspects and modelling.Carbohydrate PolymersJournal impact factor: 10.7 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120168DownloadRheologyNanocelluloseModellingBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
Impact factor 51
Orgéas, L.Chain-mail fabric stiffens under confining pressure.NatureJournal impact factor: 50.5 10.1038/d41586-021-02116-2DownloadSimulationMechanical TestsEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures3D printing
Impact factor 37
79. Rodney, D., Gadot, B., Riu Martinez, O., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L. Reversible dilatancy in entangled single-wire materials.Nature Materials, p. 72-77
Journal impact factor: 37.2 10.1038/NMAT4429DownloadSupplementary informationMovieSimulationModellingMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
Impact factor 16
105. Touron, M., Celle, C.,
Orgéas, L., Simonato, J.-P.
Hybrid Silver Nanowire - CMC Aerogels: from 1D Nanomaterials to 3D Electrically Conductive and Mechanically Resistant Lightweight Architectures..ACS NanoJournal impact factor: 15.8 10.1021/acsnano.2c04288DownloadMechanical TestsEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresConduction/Diffusion
Impact factor 13
114. Amedewovo, L., Levy, A., de Parscau du Plessix, B.,
Orgéas, L., Le Corre, S.
Online characterization of moisture transport in a high performance carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite at high temperatures: identification of diffusion kinetics.Composites Part B: EngineeringJournal impact factor: 12.7 10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110629DownloadCompositesModellingConduction/Diffusion
Impact factor 11
77. Chalencon, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Foray, G., Cavaillé, J.-Y., Maire, E.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous rheology and flow-induced microstructures of a fresh fiber-reinforced mortar.Cement and Concrete Research , p. 130-141
Journal impact factor: 10.9 10.1016/j.cemconres.2015.12.012DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
92. Thibaut, C., Denneulin, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Beneventi, D.,
Orgéas, L., Chaussy, D.
A fibrous cellulose paste formulation to manufacture structural parts using 3D printing by extrusion.Carbohydrate Polymers, p. 119-128
Journal impact factor: 10.7 10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.01.076DownloadRheologyBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D printing
104. Martoïa, F., Gupta, S., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L.Rheology of concentrated and highly concentrated enzymatic cellulose nanofibril hydrogels during lubricated compression.Carbohydrate Polymers, p. 119911
Journal impact factor: 10.7 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.119911DownloadRheologyNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
107. Dumont, PJ.J., Gupta, S., Martoia, F.,
Orgéas, L.Elongational behaviour of electrostatically stabilised and concentrated CNF and CNC hydrogels: experimental aspects and modelling.Carbohydrate PolymersJournal impact factor: 10.7 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120168DownloadRheologyNanocelluloseModellingBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
Impact factor 9
90. Molnar, G., Rodney, D., Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J., Nishiyama, Y., Mazeau, K.,
Orgéas, L. Cellulose crystals plastify by localized shear.Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA, p. 201800098
Journal impact factor: 9.4 10.1073/pnas.1800098115DownloadSupplementary informationMovie 1Movie 2Movie 3Movie 4Movie 5Movie 6Highlighted in a Commentary of PNAS by F. Martin-Martinez: "Designing nanocellulose materials from the molecular scale"NanocelluloseSimulationBiosourced Materials
119. Ferri-Angulo, D., Yousefi-Mashouf, H., Michel, M., McLeer, A.,
Orgéas, L., Bailly, L., Sohier, J.
Versatile fiber-reinforced hydrogels to mimic the microstructure and mechanics of human vocal-fold upper layers .Acta Biomaterialia, p. 92-105
Journal impact factor: 9.4 10.1016/j.actbio.2023.09.035DownloadCompositesVocal FoldsMechanical TestsBiomaterials
Impact factor 8
10. Le Corre, S.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Tourabi, A., Maazouz, A., Venet, C.
Shear and compression behaviour of sheet moulding compounds.Composites Science and Technology, p. 571-577
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/S0266-3538(01)00151-8DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
26. Dumont, P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Pizette, P., Venet, C.
Compression moulding of SMC: in situ experiments, modelling and simulation.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 353-368
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2006.03.010DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
28. Favier, D., Louche, H., Schlosser, P.,
Orgéas, L., Vacher, P., Debove, L.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous deformation mechanisms in a austenitic polycrystalline Ti-50.8at Ni thin tube under tension. Investigation via temperature and strain fieldsmeasurements.Acta Materialia, p. 5310-5322
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.actamat.2007.05.027DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
34. Le, T.H., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Salvo, L., Boller, E.
X-ray phase contrast microtomography for the analysis of the fibrous microstructure of SMC composites.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 91-103
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2007.08.027DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
39. Loix, F., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, P., Boisse, P.
Woven fabric permeability: from textile deformation to fluid flow mesoscale simulations.Composites Science and Technology, p. 1624-1630
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2008.02.027DownloadSimulationCompositesPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
42. Loix, F., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, P., Boisse, P., Bloch, J.-F.
Flow of non-Newtonian liquid polymers through deformed composite reinforcements.Composites Science and Technology, p. 612-619
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2008.12.007DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
49. Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Towards the 3D in situ Characterisation of deformation micro-mechanisms within a compressed bundle of fibres.Composites Science and Technology, p. 480-488
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2010.12.023DownloadRheologyCompositesTextilesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
59. Guiraud, O., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Rheometry of compression moulded fibre-reinforced polymer composites: rheology, compressibility, and friction forces with mould surfaces.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 2107-2119
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2012.06.006DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
67. Viguié, J., Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bloch, J.-F., Marulier, C., Guiraud, O.
Finding fibres and their contacts within 3D images of disordered fibrous media.Composites Science and Technology, p. 202-210
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2013.09.023DownloadCompositesBiosourced Materials3D imaging
76. Gadot, B., Riu-Martinez, O., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bouvard, D., Rodney, D.,
Orgéas, L.Entangled single-wire NiTi material: a porous metal with tunable superelastic and shape memory properties.Acta Materialia, p. 311-323
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.actamat.2015.06.018DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresBiomaterials
78. Laurencin, T., Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Laure, P., Le Corre, S., Silva, L., Mokso, R., Terrien, M.
3D real-time and in situ characterisation of fibre kinematics in dilute non-Newtonian fibre suspensions during confined and lubricated compression flow.Composites Science and Technology, p. 258-266
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2016.09.004DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
82. Martoïa, F., Cochereau, T., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Terrien, M., Belgacem, M.N.
Cellulose NanoFibrils Foams: links between ice-templating conditions, microstructures and mechanical properties.Materials & Design , p. 364-391
Journal impact factor: 7.6 10.1016/j.matdes.2016.04.088DownloadNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
85. Ferré Sentis, D., Cochereau, T.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Laurencin, T., Sager, M., Terrien, M.,
Tensile behaviour of uncured Sheet Moulding Compounds: rheology and flow-induced microstructures.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 459-470
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.07.003DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
86. Calgar, B.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Sözer, M., Michaud, V.
Permeability of textile fabrics with spherical inclusions.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 1-14
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.03.031DownloadSimulationCompositesTextiles3D imagingPermeationLiquid Composite Moulding
87. Ferré Sentis, D.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Sager, M., Latil, P.
3D in situ observations of the compressibility and pore transport in Sheet Moulding Compounds during the early stages of compression moulding.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 51-61
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2016.10.031DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingPermeationFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
88. Martoïa, F.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Bloch, J.-F., Flin, F., Viguié, J.
Crumpled Paper Sheets: Low-cost Biobased Cellular Materials for Structural Applications.Materials & Design , p. 150-164
Journal impact factor: 7.6 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.09.031DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D imagingHygromechanical couplingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
98. Abdul Ghafour, T., Balbinot, C., Audry, N., Martoïa, F.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Vroman, E., Boller, E.
Permeability of flax fibre mats: numerical and theoretical prediction from 3D X-ray microtomography images.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106644
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106644DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingBiosourced Materials3D imagingPermeationLiquid Composite Moulding
99. Ferré-Sentis, D., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Martoïa, F., Sager, M.
Rheological response of compressible SMCs under various deformation kinematics: Experimental aspects and simple modelling approach.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106774
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106774DownloadRheologyCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
102. Balbinot, C., Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Bloch, J.-F., Rolland du Roscoat, S, Boller, E., Flin, F., Carion, P., Latil, P.
In situ 3D observations of capillary-driven flows in parallel arrangements of rigid fibres using X-ray microtomography.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106941
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106941DownloadCompositesField Measurements3D imagingLiquid Composite Moulding Impregnation
103. Caglar, B., Broggi, G., Ali, M.A.,
Orgéas, L., Michaud, V.
Deep learning accelerated prediction of the permeability of fibrous microstructures.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106973
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106973DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingTextilesPermeationLiquid Composite Moulding
Orgéas, L., Gupta, S., Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.
Ice-templating hydrogels with high concentrations of cellulose nanofibers to produce architected cellular materials for structural applications.Materials & Design Journal impact factor: 7.6 10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111201DownloadNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
110. Amedewovo, L., Levy, A., de Parscau du Plessix, B., Aubril, J., Arrive, A.,
Orgéas, L., Le Corre, S.
A methodology for online characterization of the deconsolidation of fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite laminates.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107412
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107412DownloadComposites(De)consolidation
111. Syerko, E., Schmidt, T., May, D., Binetruy, C., Advani, S.G., Lomov, S., Silva, L., Abaimov, S., Aissa, N., Akhatov, I., Ali, M., Asiaban, N., Broggi, G., Bruchon, J., Caglar, B., Digonnet, L., Dittmann, J., Drapier, S., Endruweit, A., Guilloux, A., Kandinskii, R., Leygue, A., Mahato, B., Martinez, P., Matveev, M., Michaud, V., Middendorf, P., Moulin, N.,
Orgéas, L., Park, C.H., Rief, S., Rouhi, M., Sergeichev, I., Shakoor, M., Shishkina, O., Y. Swolfs, Y.
Benchmark Exercise on Image-Based Permeability Determination of Engineering Textiles: Microscale Predictions.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107397
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107397DownloadSimulationCompositesTextiles3D imagingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
117. Stamati, O.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Lhuissier, P., Dumont, P.J.J., Martoïa, F.
Advanced analysis of the bias-extension of woven fabrics with X-ray microtomography and Digital Volume Correlation.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107748
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107748DownloadCompositesTextilesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imaging
121. Jeannin T., Arnold, G., Bourmaud, A., Stéphane Corn, S., De Luycker, E., Dumont, P.J.J., Ferreira, M., François, C., Grégoire, M., Harzallah, O., Heurtel, J., Joannès, S., Kervoelen, A., Rashed Labanieh, A.R., Le Moigne, N., Martoïa, F.,
Orgéas, L., Ouagne, P., Soulat, D., Vivet, A. , Placet, V.
A round-robin study on the tensile characterization of single fibres: a multifactorial analysis and recommendations for more reliable results.Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingJournal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108323DownloadCompositesBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests
122. Amedewovo, L.,
Orgéas, L., de Pascau du Plessis, B., Lefevre, N., Lévy, A., Le Corre, S.
Deconsolidation of carbon fiber-reinforced PEKK laminates: 3D real-time in situ observation with synchrotron X-Ray microtomography.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107917
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107917DownloadComposites3D imaging(De)consolidation
Impact factor 6
22. Favier, L., Liu, Y.,
Orgéas, L., Sandel, A., Debove, L., Comte-Gaz, P.
Influence of thermomechanical processing on the superelastic properties of a Ni-rich nitinol shape memory alloy.Materials Science and Engineering: A, p. 130-136
Journal impact factor: 6.4 10.1016/j.msea.2006.05.018DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
50. Viguié, J., Dumont, P.J.J, Vacher, P.,
Orgéas, L., Desloges, I., Mauret, E.
Surface stress and strain fields on compressed panels of corrugated board boxes. An experimental analysis by using Digital Image Stereo-Correlation.Composites Structures, p. 2861-2873
Journal impact factor: 6.3 10.1016/j.compstruct.2011.05.018DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements
63. Bouaziz, O., Masse, J.-P., Allain, S.,
Orgéas, L., Latil, P.
Compression of crumpled Aluminum thin foils and comparison with other cellular materials.Materials Science and Engineering: A, p. 1-7
Journal impact factor: 6.4 10.1016/j.msea.2013.01.031DownloadMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
Impact factor 5
9. Vivet, A.,
Orgéas, L., Lexcellent, C., Favier, D., Bernardini, J.
Shear and tensile pseudoelastic behaviour of CuZnAl Single Crystals.Scripta Materialia, p. 33-40
Journal impact factor: 5.3 10.1016/S1359-6462(01)00988-5DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Vivet, A., Favier, D., Lexcellent, C., Liu, Y.
Hysteretic behaviour of a Cu-Zn-Al single crystal during superelastic shear deformation.Scripta Materialia, p. 297-302
Journal impact factor: 5.3 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2004.04.033DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
38. Meunier, L., Chagnon, G., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Experimental and numerical study of the mechanical behaviour of an unfilled silicone rubber.Polymer Testing, p. 765-777
Journal impact factor: 5 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2008.05.011DownloadSimulationModellingMechanical TestsField MeasurementsBiomaterials
64. Sundaray, B., Bossard, F., Latil, P., Orgeas, L., Sanchez, J.Y., Lepretre, J.C.
Unusual process-induced curl and shrinkage of electrospun PVDF membranes.Polymer, p. 4588-4593
Journal impact factor: 4.6 10.1016/j.polymer.2013.05.049DownloadMechanical TestsField Measurements
73. Marulier, C., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Caillerie, D.
3D analysis of paper microstructures at the scale of fibres and bonds.Cellulose, p. 1517-1539
Journal impact factor: 4.9 10.1007/s10570-015-0610-6DownloadBiosourced Materials3D imaging
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Martoïa, F., Marulier, C., Le Corre, S., Caillerie, D.
On the role of fibre bonds on the elasticity of low-density papers: a micro-mechanical approach.Cellulose, p. 1-23
Journal impact factor: 4.9 10.1007/s10570-021-04098-wDownloadSimulationModellingBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsHomogenisation
108. Kabej, M., Guillard, V., Agellier-Coussy, H., Thoury-Monbrin, V., Gontard, N.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Gaucel, S.
From 3D real structure to 3D modelled structure: Modelling water vapor permeability in polypropylene/cellulose composites.PolymerJournal impact factor: 4.6 10.1016/j.polymer.2023.125672DownloadModellingBiosourced Materials3D imagingConduction/Diffusion
115. Murtaza, H., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Lhuissier P., Salvo, L.,
Orgéas, L., Thibaut, C., Denneulin, A., Chaussy, D., Beneventi, D.
Air-drying of 3D printed part made of ligno-cellulosic fibres: 3D real-time monitoring combining fast laboratory X-Rays microtomography and digital volume correlation.Cellulose, p. 6173-6185
Journal impact factor: 4.9 10.1007/s10570-023-05290-wDownloadBiosourced MaterialsField Measurements3D imagingHygromechanical couplingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels3D printing
118. Aimar, C.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bailly, L., Ferré Sentis, D.
Fatigue mechanisms of a closed cell elastomeric foam: a mechanical and microstructural study using ex situ X-ray microtomography.Polymer Testing, p. 108194
Journal impact factor: 5 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2023.108194DownloadHighlighted in a commentary of Science FeaturedMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresFatigue
Impact factor 4
Orgéas, L., Idris, Z., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F., Auriault, .J-L.
Modelling the flow of power-law fluids through anisotropic porous media at low pore Reynolds number.Chemical Engineering Science , p. 4490-4502
Journal impact factor: 4.1 10.1016/j.ces.2006.01.046DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Vassal, J.-P., Guiraud, O., Michaud, V., Favier, D.
In-plane conduction of polymer composites plates reinforced with architectured networks of Copper fibres.Journal of Materials Science, p. 2932-2942
Journal impact factor: 3.5 10.1007/s10853-011-6126-zDownloadCompositesModelling3D imagingConduction/Diffusion
84. Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Belgacem, M.N., Putaux, J.-L.
On the origin of the elasticity of cellulose nanofibrils nanocomposites and nanopapers: a micromechanical approach.RSC Advances, p. 47258-47271
Journal impact factor: 3.9 10.1039/c6ra07176gDownloadNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsHomogenisation
89. Bailly, L., Cochereau, T.,
Orgéas, L., Henrich Bernardoni, N., Rolland du Roscoat, S., McLeer-Florin, A., Robert, Y., Laval, X., Laurencin, T., Chaffanjon, P., Fayard, B., Boller, E.
3D multiscale imaging of human vocal folds using synchrotron X-ray microtomography in phase retrieval mode.Scientific Reports, p. 14003
Journal impact factor: 3.8DownloadSupplementary informationHighlighted in the "ESRF Spotlight on Science"!Vocal Folds3D imaging
93. Cavinato, C., Molimard, J., Curt, N., Campisi, S.,
Orgéas, L., Badel, P.
Does the knowledge of the local thickness of human ascending thoracic aneurysm walls improve their mechanical analysis?.Frontiers in Bioengineering and BiotechnologyJournal impact factor: 4.3 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00169DownloadMechanical TestsField MeasurementsAneurysms
120. Luisard, P., Bailly, L., Yousefi Mashouf, H., Girault, R.,
Orgéas, L., Henrich Bernardoni, N.
Flow-induced oscillations of vocal-fold replicas with tuned extensibility and material properties.Scientific Reports, p. 22658
Journal impact factor: 3.8 10.1038/s41598-023-48080-xDownloadVocal FoldsMechanical TestsBiomaterialsVibration
124. Klos, A., Bailly, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Henrich Bernardoni, N., Broche, L., King, A.
Optimising 4D imaging of fast-oscillating structures using X-ray microtomography with retrospective gating.Scientific Reports, p. 20499
Journal impact factor: 3.8 10.1038/s41598-024-68684-1DownloadComposites3D imagingVibration
Impact factor 3
21. Le Corre, S., Dumont, P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Rheology of highly concentrated planar fiber suspensions.Journal of Rheology, p. 1029-1058
Journal impact factor: 3 10.1122/1.1993594DownloadRheologyCompositesModellingMechanical TestsHomogenisationFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Michaud, V., Favier, D.
Separation of the polymer matrix and the fibrous reinforcement during compression moulding of Glass Mat Thermoplastics (GMT).International Journal of Material Forming, p. 929-932
Journal impact factor: 2.6 10.1007/s12289-008-0249-zDownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
33. Loix, F., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, P., Boisse, P., Bloch, J.-F.
Modelling of the flow of generalised Newtonian fluids through deformed textile reinforcements.International Journal of Material Forming, p. 903-906
Journal impact factor: 2.6 10.1007/s12289-008-0242-6DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
44. Guiraud, O., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Vassal, J.-P., Le, T.H., Favier, D.
Towards the mould filling simulation of polymer composites reinforced with mineral fillers and short glass fibres.International Journal of Material Forming, p. S1313-S1326
Journal impact factor: 2.6 10.1007/s12289-009-0658-7DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
52. Demanget, N., Avril, S., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J;-N., Favre, J.-P.
Computational comparison of the bending behaviour of aortic stent-grafts.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 272-282
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2011.09.006DownloadSimulationModellingTextilesMechanical TestsAneurysmsBiomaterials
57. Guiraud, O.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Microstructure and deformation micro-mechanisms of concentrated fibre bundle suspensions: an analysis combining X-ray microtomography and pull-out tests.Journal of Rheology, p. 593-623
Journal impact factor: 3 10.1122/1.3698185DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
60. Demanget, N., Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Badel, P., Avril, S., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N., Favre, J.-P.
Severe bending of two aortic stent-grafts: an experimental and numerical mechanical analysis.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, p. 2674-2686
Journal impact factor: 3 10.1007/s10439-012-0618-0DownloadSimulationTextilesMechanical Tests3D imagingAneurysmsBiomaterials
69. Laurent, C., Latil, P., Durville, D., Rahouadj, R., Geindreau, C.,
Orgéas, L., Ganghoffer, J.-F.
Mechanical behaviour of a fibrous scaffold for ligament tissue engineering: finite elements analysis vs. X-ray tomography imaging.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 222-233
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.09.003DownloadSimulationTextilesMechanical Tests3D imagingBiomaterials
70. Bailly, L., Toungara, M.,
Orgéas, L., Bertrand, E., Deplano, V., Geindreau, C.
In-plane mechanics of soft architectured fibre-reinforced silicone rubber membranes.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 339-353
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.09.012DownloadCompositesMechanical TestsField MeasurementsHomogenisationAneurysmsBiomaterials
74. Martoïa, F., Perge, C., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Fardin, M.A., Manneville, S., Belgacem, M.N.
Heterogeneous Flow Kinematics of Cellulose Nanofibril Suspensions under Shear.Soft Matter, p. 4742-4755
Journal impact factor: 2.9 10.1039/c5sm00530bDownloadFront cover of Soft MatterSoft Matter Hot PaperFront cover of Soft Matter,
Published in the 2015 "Soft Matter Hot Papers"
RheologyNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField MeasurementsFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
81. Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Belgacem, M.N., Putaux, J.-L.
Micro-mechanics of electrostatically stabilized suspensions of cellulose nanofibrils under steady state shear flow.Soft Matter, p. 1721-1735
Journal impact factor: 2.9 10.1039/c5sm02310fDownloadSupplementary informationRheologyNanocelluloseMechanical TestsHomogenisationFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
83. Perrin, D., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Albertini, J.-N., Avril, S.
Patient-specific simulation of endovascular repair surgery with tortuous aneurysms requiring flexible stent-grafts.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 86-99
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.06.013DownloadSimulationTextiles3D imagingAneurysmsBiomaterials
94. Laurencin, T., Laure, P.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Silva, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Fibre kinematics in dilute non-Newtonian fibre suspensions during confined and lubricated squeeze flow: direct numerical simulation and analytical modelling.Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid MechanicsJournal impact factor: 2.7 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2019.104187DownloadRheologySimulationModelling3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
112. Laurencin, T., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Le corre, S., Martoïa, F., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Laure, P.
3D real time and in situ observation of the fibre orientation during the plane strain flow of concentrated fibre suspensions.Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, p. 104978
Journal impact factor: 2.7 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2022.104978DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
123. Aimar, C.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bailly, L., Ferré Sentis, D.
Compression fatigue of elastomeric foams used in midsoles of running shoes.Footwear Science, p. 1-11
Journal impact factor: 2.7 10.1080/19424280.2024.2317881DownloadMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresFatigue
Impact factor 2
Orgéas, L., Gabathuler, J.-P., Imwinkelried, T., Paradies, C., Rappaz, M.
Modelling of semi-solid processing using a modified temperature-dependent power-law model.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering , p. 553-574
Journal impact factor: 1.9 10.1088/0965-0393/11/4/309DownloadRheologySimulationModelling
17. Idris, Z.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F., Auriault, J.-L.
Microstructural effects on the flow of power-law fluid through fibrous media.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering , p. 995-1015
Journal impact factor: 1.9 10.1088/0965-0393/12/5/016DownloadCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
25. Schlosser, P., Louche, H., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Image processing to estimate the heat sources related to phase transformations during tensile tests of NiTi tubes.Strain , p. 260-271
Journal impact factor: 1.8DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
29. Dumont, P., Vassal, J.-P.,
Orgéas, L., Michaud, V., Favier, D., Manson, J.-A.E.
Processing, characterisation and rheology of transparent concentrated fibre bundle suspensions.Rheologica Acta, p. 639-651
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s00397-006-0153-8DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
35. Vassal, J.-P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Auriault, J.-L., Le Corre, S.
Upscaling the diffusion equations in particulate media made of highly conductive particles. Part II: Application to fibrous materials.Physical Review E, p. 011303
Journal impact factor: 2.2 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.011303DownloadSimulationCompositesHomogenisationConduction/Diffusion
36. Vassal, J.-P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Auriault, J.-L., Le Corre, S.
Upscaling the diffusion equations in particulate media made of highly conductive particles. Part I: theoretical aspects.Physical Review E, p. 011302
Journal impact factor: 2.2 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.011302DownloadCompositesModellingHomogenisationConduction/Diffusion
Orgéas, L., Le, T.H., Dumont, P.J.J., Favier, D.
Lubricated compression of BMC, a concentrated and fibre-reinforced granular polymer suspension.Rheologica Acta, p. 677-688
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s00397-008-0276-1DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
46. Chalencon, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Foray, G., Cavaillé, J.-Y., Maire, E., Rolland du Roscoat
Lubricated compression and X-ray microtomography to analyse the rheology of a fibre-reinforced mortar.Rheologica Acta, p. 221-235
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s00397-009-0393-5DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
55. Louche, H., Schlosser, P., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Heat source processing for localized deformation with nonconstant thermal conductivity. Application to superelastic tensile tests of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys.Experimental Mechanics, p. 1313-1328
Journal impact factor: 2 10.1007/s11340-012-9607-3DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
56. Demanget, N., Badel, P., Avril, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J;-N., Favre, J.-P.
Mechanical performances of stent grafts within tortuous abdominal aortic aneurysms.Journal of Biomechanics, p. S311
Journal impact factor: 2.4DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
61. Guiraud, O., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L.How to prepare SMC and BMC-like compounds to perform relevant rheological experiments?.Applied Composites Materials, p. 157-169
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s10443-012-9261-zDownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
62. Demanget, N., Duprey, A., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Avril, S., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N., Favre, J.-P.
Finite element analysis of the mechanical performances of eight marketed aortic stent-grafts.Journal of Endovascular Therapy , p. 523-535
Journal impact factor: 1.7 10.1583/12-4063.1DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
65. Lemercier, A., Bailly, L., Geindreau, C., Toungara, M., Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Deplano, V., Boucard, N.
Comparison between the mechanical behaviour of the human healthy AA and commercial prostheses under various mechanical loadings.Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering , p. 315-317
Journal impact factor: 1.7 10.1080/10255842.2013.815930DownloadSimulationTextilesMechanical TestsHomogenisationAneurysmsBiomaterials
71. Perrin, D., Demanget, N., Badel, P., Avril, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N.
Deployment of stent-grafts in curved aneurysmal arteries: towards a predictive numerical tool.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, p. e02698
Journal impact factor: 2.2 10.1002/cnm.2698DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
75. Perrin, D., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Duménil, A., Albertini, J.-N., Avril, S.
Patient-specific numerical simulation of stent-graft deployment: validation on three clinical cases.Journal of Biomechanics, p. 1868-1875
Journal impact factor: 2.4 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.04.031DownloadSimulationAneurysmsBiomaterials
80. Joffre, T., Isaksson, P., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Sticko, S.,
Orgéas, L., Gamstedt, K.
A method to measure moisture induced swelling properties of a single wood cell.Experimental Mechanics, p. 723-733
Journal impact factor: 2 10.1007/s11340-015-0119-9DownloadSimulationBiosourced Materials3D imagingHygromechanical coupling
95. Cochereau, T., Bailly, L., Orgéas ,L., Henrich Bernardoni, N., Robert, Y, Terrien, M.
Mechanics of human vocal folds layers during finite strains in tension, compression and shear.Journal of Biomechanics, p. 109956
Journal impact factor: 2.4 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.109956DownloadVocal FoldsMechanical Tests
101. Depriester, D., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau C., Levrard, B., Brémond, F.
Individual fibre separation in 3D fibrous materials imaged by X-ray tomography.Journal of Microscopy, p. 1-20
Journal impact factor: 1.5 10.1111/jmi.13096DownloadCompositesTextilesBiosourced Materials3D imaging
113. Haji, O., Song, X., Hivet, A., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Sinoimeri, A., Hivet, G., Blond, E.
Modeling of Quasi-Parallel Fiber Networks at the Microscopic Scale.Applied Composites MaterialsJournal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s10443-023-10105-zDownloadSimulationCompositesModellingTextilesMechanical Tests3D imaging
116. Kabbej, M., Guillard, V., Angellier-Coussy, H., Thoury-Monbrun, V., Gontard, N.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Gaucel, S.
Cascading (3D) reconstruction procedure of composite structures from microtomography data.MethodsXJournal impact factor: 1.6citescore: 2.8 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102177DownloadSimulationCompositesBiosourced Materials3D imagingConduction/Diffusion
Impact factor 1
41. Bloch, J.-F., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Bouquet, N.
Quelques aspects du comportement hygromécanique du papier.Mechanics and Industry, p. 43-48
Journal impact factor: 1.2 10.1051/meca/2009031DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingHygromechanical coupling
51. Chagnon, G., Gaudin, V., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L., Cinquin, P.
An osmotically inflatable seal to treat endoleaks of type 1, following endovascular aneurysm repair.Journal of Mechanics in Medecine and Biology, p. 1250070
Journal impact factor: 0.8 10.1142/S0219519412004958DownloadSimulationModellingMechanical TestsField MeasurementsBiomaterials
58. Marulier, C., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Caillerie, D.
Towards 3D analysis of pulp fibre networks at the fibre and bond level.Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal , p. 245-255
Journal impact factor: 0.9DownloadBiosourced Materials3D imaging
68. Perrin, D., Badel, P., Avril, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N., Favre, J.-P.
Digital simulation of the delivery of stentgrafts: towards a clinical application.Annals of Vascular Surgery, p. 1364-1364
Journal impact factor: 1.4 10.1016/j.avsg.2014.06.028DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
Impact factor 0 or unknown
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Application of the beam theory to model the pseudoelastic and ferroelastic bending of SMA beams.Journal de Physique IV, p. 519-524
Journal impact factor: 0.351DownloadShape Memory AlloysModellingMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Liu, Y., Favier, D.
Experimental study of mechanical hysteresis of NiTi during ferroelastic and pseudoelastic deformation.Journal de Physique IV, p. 477-482
Journal impact factor: 0.351DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Rio, G.
Déformation superélastique non homogène d'une éprouvette de traction de NiTi : expérience et modélisation numérique.European Journal of Computational Mechanics, p. 111-136
No impact factor availableDownloadShape Memory AlloysSimulationModelling
7. Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L., Ferrier, D., Poncin, P., Liu, Y.
Influence of manufacturing methods on the homogeneity and properties of Nitinol tubular stents.Journal de Physique IV, p. 541-546
Journal impact factor: 0.351 10.1051/jp4:2001890DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Stress state effects on mechanical behaviour of shape memory alloys: experimental characterisation and modelling.Journal de Physique IV, p. 67-74
Journal impact factor: 0.351 10.1051/jp4:2001812DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
14. Liu, Y., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Mechanistic simulation of thermomechanical behaviour of thermoelastic martensitic transformations in polycrystalline shape memory alloys.Journal de Physique IV, p. 37-45
Journal impact factor: 0.351 10.1051/jp4:2004115005DownloadShape Memory AlloysModellingMechanical Tests
19. Dumont, P., Le Corre, S.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Gaborit, C., Lory, P.
Finite element implementation of a two-phase model for compression molding of composites.European Journal of Computational Mechanics, p. 885-902
No impact factor available 10.3166/reef.14.885-902DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
31. Schlosser, P., Louche, H., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Experimental characterization of NiTi SMAs thermomechanical behaviour using temperature and strain full-field measurements.Advanced Science and Technology , p. 140-149
No impact factor availableDownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
45. Viguié, J., Dumont, P.J.J, Vacher, P.,
Orgéas, L., Desloges, I., Mauret, E.
Analysis of the strain and stress fields of cardboard box during compression by 3D Digital Image Correlation.Applied Mechanics and Materials, p. 103-108
No impact factor available 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.24-25.103DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements
47. Le, T.H.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Research on the thermal and mechanical behaviour of thermoset polymer composites reinforced with glass fibres.Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam), p. 95-100
No impact factor availableDownloadRheologyCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
48. Viguié, J., Dumont, P.J.J, Rolland du Roscoat, S., Vacher, P.,
Orgéas, L., Desloges, I., Mauret, E., Bloch, J.-F.
Apport des nouvelles techniques expérimentales à l’étude des comportements mécanique et hygroexpansif des emballages cartons.Revue ATIP , p. 15-22
No impact factor availableDownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingHygromechanical coupling
36 author(s)
111. Syerko, E., Schmidt, T., May, D., Binetruy, C., Advani, S.G., Lomov, S., Silva, L., Abaimov, S., Aissa, N., Akhatov, I., Ali, M., Asiaban, N., Broggi, G., Bruchon, J., Caglar, B., Digonnet, L., Dittmann, J., Drapier, S., Endruweit, A., Guilloux, A., Kandinskii, R., Leygue, A., Mahato, B., Martinez, P., Matveev, M., Michaud, V., Middendorf, P., Moulin, N.,
Orgéas, L., Park, C.H., Rief, S., Rouhi, M., Sergeichev, I., Shakoor, M., Shishkina, O., Y. Swolfs, Y.
Benchmark Exercise on Image-Based Permeability Determination of Engineering Textiles: Microscale Predictions.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107397
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107397DownloadSimulationCompositesTextiles3D imagingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
20 author(s)
121. Jeannin T., Arnold, G., Bourmaud, A., Stéphane Corn, S., De Luycker, E., Dumont, P.J.J., Ferreira, M., François, C., Grégoire, M., Harzallah, O., Heurtel, J., Joannès, S., Kervoelen, A., Rashed Labanieh, A.R., Le Moigne, N., Martoïa, F.,
Orgéas, L., Ouagne, P., Soulat, D., Vivet, A. , Placet, V.
A round-robin study on the tensile characterization of single fibres: a multifactorial analysis and recommendations for more reliable results.Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingJournal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108323DownloadCompositesBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests
12 author(s)
89. Bailly, L., Cochereau, T.,
Orgéas, L., Henrich Bernardoni, N., Rolland du Roscoat, S., McLeer-Florin, A., Robert, Y., Laval, X., Laurencin, T., Chaffanjon, P., Fayard, B., Boller, E.
3D multiscale imaging of human vocal folds using synchrotron X-ray microtomography in phase retrieval mode.Scientific Reports, p. 14003
Journal impact factor: 3.8DownloadSupplementary informationHighlighted in the "ESRF Spotlight on Science"!Vocal Folds3D imaging
10 author(s)
102. Balbinot, C., Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Bloch, J.-F., Rolland du Roscoat, S, Boller, E., Flin, F., Carion, P., Latil, P.
In situ 3D observations of capillary-driven flows in parallel arrangements of rigid fibres using X-ray microtomography.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106941
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106941DownloadCompositesField Measurements3D imagingLiquid Composite Moulding Impregnation
9 author(s)
78. Laurencin, T., Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Laure, P., Le Corre, S., Silva, L., Mokso, R., Terrien, M.
3D real-time and in situ characterisation of fibre kinematics in dilute non-Newtonian fibre suspensions during confined and lubricated compression flow.Composites Science and Technology, p. 258-266
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2016.09.004DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
8 author(s)
48. Viguié, J., Dumont, P.J.J, Rolland du Roscoat, S., Vacher, P.,
Orgéas, L., Desloges, I., Mauret, E., Bloch, J.-F.
Apport des nouvelles techniques expérimentales à l’étude des comportements mécanique et hygroexpansif des emballages cartons.Revue ATIP , p. 15-22
No impact factor availableDownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingHygromechanical coupling
60. Demanget, N., Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Badel, P., Avril, S., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N., Favre, J.-P.
Severe bending of two aortic stent-grafts: an experimental and numerical mechanical analysis.Annals of Biomedical Engineering, p. 2674-2686
Journal impact factor: 3 10.1007/s10439-012-0618-0DownloadSimulationTextilesMechanical Tests3D imagingAneurysmsBiomaterials
62. Demanget, N., Duprey, A., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Avril, S., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N., Favre, J.-P.
Finite element analysis of the mechanical performances of eight marketed aortic stent-grafts.Journal of Endovascular Therapy , p. 523-535
Journal impact factor: 1.7 10.1583/12-4063.1DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
65. Lemercier, A., Bailly, L., Geindreau, C., Toungara, M., Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Deplano, V., Boucard, N.
Comparison between the mechanical behaviour of the human healthy AA and commercial prostheses under various mechanical loadings.Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering , p. 315-317
Journal impact factor: 1.7 10.1080/10255842.2013.815930DownloadSimulationTextilesMechanical TestsHomogenisationAneurysmsBiomaterials
67. Viguié, J., Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bloch, J.-F., Marulier, C., Guiraud, O.
Finding fibres and their contacts within 3D images of disordered fibrous media.Composites Science and Technology, p. 202-210
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2013.09.023DownloadCompositesBiosourced Materials3D imaging
85. Ferré Sentis, D., Cochereau, T.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Laurencin, T., Sager, M., Terrien, M.,
Tensile behaviour of uncured Sheet Moulding Compounds: rheology and flow-induced microstructures.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 459-470
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.07.003DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
98. Abdul Ghafour, T., Balbinot, C., Audry, N., Martoïa, F.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Vroman, E., Boller, E.
Permeability of flax fibre mats: numerical and theoretical prediction from 3D X-ray microtomography images.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106644
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106644DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingBiosourced Materials3D imagingPermeationLiquid Composite Moulding
108. Kabej, M., Guillard, V., Agellier-Coussy, H., Thoury-Monbrin, V., Gontard, N.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Gaucel, S.
From 3D real structure to 3D modelled structure: Modelling water vapor permeability in polypropylene/cellulose composites.PolymerJournal impact factor: 4.6 10.1016/j.polymer.2023.125672DownloadModellingBiosourced Materials3D imagingConduction/Diffusion
113. Haji, O., Song, X., Hivet, A., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Sinoimeri, A., Hivet, G., Blond, E.
Modeling of Quasi-Parallel Fiber Networks at the Microscopic Scale.Applied Composites MaterialsJournal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s10443-023-10105-zDownloadSimulationCompositesModellingTextilesMechanical Tests3D imaging
115. Murtaza, H., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Lhuissier P., Salvo, L.,
Orgéas, L., Thibaut, C., Denneulin, A., Chaussy, D., Beneventi, D.
Air-drying of 3D printed part made of ligno-cellulosic fibres: 3D real-time monitoring combining fast laboratory X-Rays microtomography and digital volume correlation.Cellulose, p. 6173-6185
Journal impact factor: 4.9 10.1007/s10570-023-05290-wDownloadBiosourced MaterialsField Measurements3D imagingHygromechanical couplingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels3D printing
116. Kabbej, M., Guillard, V., Angellier-Coussy, H., Thoury-Monbrun, V., Gontard, N.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Gaucel, S.
Cascading (3D) reconstruction procedure of composite structures from microtomography data.MethodsXJournal impact factor: 1.6citescore: 2.8 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102177DownloadSimulationCompositesBiosourced Materials3D imagingConduction/Diffusion
7 author(s)
52. Demanget, N., Avril, S., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J;-N., Favre, J.-P.
Computational comparison of the bending behaviour of aortic stent-grafts.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 272-282
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2011.09.006DownloadSimulationModellingTextilesMechanical TestsAneurysmsBiomaterials
56. Demanget, N., Badel, P., Avril, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J;-N., Favre, J.-P.
Mechanical performances of stent grafts within tortuous abdominal aortic aneurysms.Journal of Biomechanics, p. S311
Journal impact factor: 2.4DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
68. Perrin, D., Badel, P., Avril, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N., Favre, J.-P.
Digital simulation of the delivery of stentgrafts: towards a clinical application.Annals of Vascular Surgery, p. 1364-1364
Journal impact factor: 1.4 10.1016/j.avsg.2014.06.028DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
69. Laurent, C., Latil, P., Durville, D., Rahouadj, R., Geindreau, C.,
Orgéas, L., Ganghoffer, J.-F.
Mechanical behaviour of a fibrous scaffold for ligament tissue engineering: finite elements analysis vs. X-ray tomography imaging.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 222-233
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.09.003DownloadSimulationTextilesMechanical Tests3D imagingBiomaterials
71. Perrin, D., Demanget, N., Badel, P., Avril, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Albertini, J.-N.
Deployment of stent-grafts in curved aneurysmal arteries: towards a predictive numerical tool.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, p. e02698
Journal impact factor: 2.2 10.1002/cnm.2698DownloadSimulationTextilesAneurysmsBiomaterials
74. Martoïa, F., Perge, C., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Fardin, M.A., Manneville, S., Belgacem, M.N.
Heterogeneous Flow Kinematics of Cellulose Nanofibril Suspensions under Shear.Soft Matter, p. 4742-4755
Journal impact factor: 2.9 10.1039/c5sm00530bDownloadFront cover of Soft MatterSoft Matter Hot PaperFront cover of Soft Matter,
Published in the 2015 "Soft Matter Hot Papers"
RheologyNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField MeasurementsFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
75. Perrin, D., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Duménil, A., Albertini, J.-N., Avril, S.
Patient-specific numerical simulation of stent-graft deployment: validation on three clinical cases.Journal of Biomechanics, p. 1868-1875
Journal impact factor: 2.4 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2015.04.031DownloadSimulationAneurysmsBiomaterials
80. Joffre, T., Isaksson, P., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Sticko, S.,
Orgéas, L., Gamstedt, K.
A method to measure moisture induced swelling properties of a single wood cell.Experimental Mechanics, p. 723-733
Journal impact factor: 2 10.1007/s11340-015-0119-9DownloadSimulationBiosourced Materials3D imagingHygromechanical coupling
83. Perrin, D., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Albertini, J.-N., Avril, S.
Patient-specific simulation of endovascular repair surgery with tortuous aneurysms requiring flexible stent-grafts.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 86-99
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2016.06.013DownloadSimulationTextiles3D imagingAneurysmsBiomaterials
90. Molnar, G., Rodney, D., Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J., Nishiyama, Y., Mazeau, K.,
Orgéas, L. Cellulose crystals plastify by localized shear.Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA, p. 201800098
Journal impact factor: 9.4 10.1073/pnas.1800098115DownloadSupplementary informationMovie 1Movie 2Movie 3Movie 4Movie 5Movie 6Highlighted in a Commentary of PNAS by F. Martin-Martinez: "Designing nanocellulose materials from the molecular scale"NanocelluloseSimulationBiosourced Materials
110. Amedewovo, L., Levy, A., de Parscau du Plessix, B., Aubril, J., Arrive, A.,
Orgéas, L., Le Corre, S.
A methodology for online characterization of the deconsolidation of fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite laminates.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107412
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.107412DownloadComposites(De)consolidation
112. Laurencin, T., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Le corre, S., Martoïa, F., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Laure, P.
3D real time and in situ observation of the fibre orientation during the plane strain flow of concentrated fibre suspensions.Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, p. 104978
Journal impact factor: 2.7 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2022.104978DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
119. Ferri-Angulo, D., Yousefi-Mashouf, H., Michel, M., McLeer, A.,
Orgéas, L., Bailly, L., Sohier, J.
Versatile fiber-reinforced hydrogels to mimic the microstructure and mechanics of human vocal-fold upper layers .Acta Biomaterialia, p. 92-105
Journal impact factor: 9.4 10.1016/j.actbio.2023.09.035DownloadCompositesVocal FoldsMechanical TestsBiomaterials
124. Klos, A., Bailly, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Henrich Bernardoni, N., Broche, L., King, A.
Optimising 4D imaging of fast-oscillating structures using X-ray microtomography with retrospective gating.Scientific Reports, p. 20499
Journal impact factor: 3.8 10.1038/s41598-024-68684-1DownloadComposites3D imagingVibration
6 author(s)
10. Le Corre, S.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Tourabi, A., Maazouz, A., Venet, C.
Shear and compression behaviour of sheet moulding compounds.Composites Science and Technology, p. 571-577
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/S0266-3538(01)00151-8DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
19. Dumont, P., Le Corre, S.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Gaborit, C., Lory, P.
Finite element implementation of a two-phase model for compression molding of composites.European Journal of Computational Mechanics, p. 885-902
No impact factor available 10.3166/reef.14.885-902DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
22. Favier, L., Liu, Y.,
Orgéas, L., Sandel, A., Debove, L., Comte-Gaz, P.
Influence of thermomechanical processing on the superelastic properties of a Ni-rich nitinol shape memory alloy.Materials Science and Engineering: A, p. 130-136
Journal impact factor: 6.4 10.1016/j.msea.2006.05.018DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
28. Favier, D., Louche, H., Schlosser, P.,
Orgéas, L., Vacher, P., Debove, L.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous deformation mechanisms in a austenitic polycrystalline Ti-50.8at Ni thin tube under tension. Investigation via temperature and strain fieldsmeasurements.Acta Materialia, p. 5310-5322
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.actamat.2007.05.027DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
29. Dumont, P., Vassal, J.-P.,
Orgéas, L., Michaud, V., Favier, D., Manson, J.-A.E.
Processing, characterisation and rheology of transparent concentrated fibre bundle suspensions.Rheologica Acta, p. 639-651
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s00397-006-0153-8DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
33. Loix, F., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, P., Boisse, P., Bloch, J.-F.
Modelling of the flow of generalised Newtonian fluids through deformed textile reinforcements.International Journal of Material Forming, p. 903-906
Journal impact factor: 2.6 10.1007/s12289-008-0242-6DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
34. Le, T.H., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Salvo, L., Boller, E.
X-ray phase contrast microtomography for the analysis of the fibrous microstructure of SMC composites.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 91-103
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2007.08.027DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
41. Bloch, J.-F., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Bouquet, N.
Quelques aspects du comportement hygromécanique du papier.Mechanics and Industry, p. 43-48
Journal impact factor: 1.2 10.1051/meca/2009031DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imagingHygromechanical coupling
42. Loix, F., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, P., Boisse, P., Bloch, J.-F.
Flow of non-Newtonian liquid polymers through deformed composite reinforcements.Composites Science and Technology, p. 612-619
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2008.12.007DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
44. Guiraud, O., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Vassal, J.-P., Le, T.H., Favier, D.
Towards the mould filling simulation of polymer composites reinforced with mineral fillers and short glass fibres.International Journal of Material Forming, p. S1313-S1326
Journal impact factor: 2.6 10.1007/s12289-009-0658-7DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
45. Viguié, J., Dumont, P.J.J, Vacher, P.,
Orgéas, L., Desloges, I., Mauret, E.
Analysis of the strain and stress fields of cardboard box during compression by 3D Digital Image Correlation.Applied Mechanics and Materials, p. 103-108
No impact factor available 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.24-25.103DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements
46. Chalencon, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Foray, G., Cavaillé, J.-Y., Maire, E., Rolland du Roscoat
Lubricated compression and X-ray microtomography to analyse the rheology of a fibre-reinforced mortar.Rheologica Acta, p. 221-235
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s00397-009-0393-5DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
50. Viguié, J., Dumont, P.J.J, Vacher, P.,
Orgéas, L., Desloges, I., Mauret, E.
Surface stress and strain fields on compressed panels of corrugated board boxes. An experimental analysis by using Digital Image Stereo-Correlation.Composites Structures, p. 2861-2873
Journal impact factor: 6.3 10.1016/j.compstruct.2011.05.018DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsField Measurements
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Vassal, J.-P., Guiraud, O., Michaud, V., Favier, D.
In-plane conduction of polymer composites plates reinforced with architectured networks of Copper fibres.Journal of Materials Science, p. 2932-2942
Journal impact factor: 3.5 10.1007/s10853-011-6126-zDownloadCompositesModelling3D imagingConduction/Diffusion
64. Sundaray, B., Bossard, F., Latil, P., Orgeas, L., Sanchez, J.Y., Lepretre, J.C.
Unusual process-induced curl and shrinkage of electrospun PVDF membranes.Polymer, p. 4588-4593
Journal impact factor: 4.6 10.1016/j.polymer.2013.05.049DownloadMechanical TestsField Measurements
70. Bailly, L., Toungara, M.,
Orgéas, L., Bertrand, E., Deplano, V., Geindreau, C.
In-plane mechanics of soft architectured fibre-reinforced silicone rubber membranes.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, p. 339-353
Journal impact factor: 3.3 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.09.012DownloadCompositesMechanical TestsField MeasurementsHomogenisationAneurysmsBiomaterials
76. Gadot, B., Riu-Martinez, O., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bouvard, D., Rodney, D.,
Orgéas, L.Entangled single-wire NiTi material: a porous metal with tunable superelastic and shape memory properties.Acta Materialia, p. 311-323
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.actamat.2015.06.018DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresBiomaterials
77. Chalencon, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Foray, G., Cavaillé, J.-Y., Maire, E.
Homogeneous and heterogeneous rheology and flow-induced microstructures of a fresh fiber-reinforced mortar.Cement and Concrete Research , p. 130-141
Journal impact factor: 10.9 10.1016/j.cemconres.2015.12.012DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
82. Martoïa, F., Cochereau, T., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Terrien, M., Belgacem, M.N.
Cellulose NanoFibrils Foams: links between ice-templating conditions, microstructures and mechanical properties.Materials & Design , p. 364-391
Journal impact factor: 7.6 10.1016/j.matdes.2016.04.088DownloadNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
87. Ferré Sentis, D.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Sager, M., Latil, P.
3D in situ observations of the compressibility and pore transport in Sheet Moulding Compounds during the early stages of compression moulding.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 51-61
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2016.10.031DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingPermeationFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
88. Martoïa, F.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Bloch, J.-F., Flin, F., Viguié, J.
Crumpled Paper Sheets: Low-cost Biobased Cellular Materials for Structural Applications.Materials & Design , p. 150-164
Journal impact factor: 7.6 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.09.031DownloadBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D imagingHygromechanical couplingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
92. Thibaut, C., Denneulin, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Beneventi, D.,
Orgéas, L., Chaussy, D.
A fibrous cellulose paste formulation to manufacture structural parts using 3D printing by extrusion.Carbohydrate Polymers, p. 119-128
Journal impact factor: 10.7 10.1016/j.carbpol.2019.01.076DownloadRheologyBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D printing
93. Cavinato, C., Molimard, J., Curt, N., Campisi, S.,
Orgéas, L., Badel, P.
Does the knowledge of the local thickness of human ascending thoracic aneurysm walls improve their mechanical analysis?.Frontiers in Bioengineering and BiotechnologyJournal impact factor: 4.3 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00169DownloadMechanical TestsField MeasurementsAneurysms
94. Laurencin, T., Laure, P.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Silva, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Fibre kinematics in dilute non-Newtonian fibre suspensions during confined and lubricated squeeze flow: direct numerical simulation and analytical modelling.Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid MechanicsJournal impact factor: 2.7 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2019.104187DownloadRheologySimulationModelling3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Martoïa, F., Marulier, C., Le Corre, S., Caillerie, D.
On the role of fibre bonds on the elasticity of low-density papers: a micro-mechanical approach.Cellulose, p. 1-23
Journal impact factor: 4.9 10.1007/s10570-021-04098-wDownloadSimulationModellingBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsHomogenisation
117. Stamati, O.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Lhuissier, P., Dumont, P.J.J., Martoïa, F.
Advanced analysis of the bias-extension of woven fabrics with X-ray microtomography and Digital Volume Correlation.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107748
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107748DownloadCompositesTextilesMechanical TestsField Measurements3D imaging
120. Luisard, P., Bailly, L., Yousefi Mashouf, H., Girault, R.,
Orgéas, L., Henrich Bernardoni, N.
Flow-induced oscillations of vocal-fold replicas with tuned extensibility and material properties.Scientific Reports, p. 22658
Journal impact factor: 3.8 10.1038/s41598-023-48080-xDownloadVocal FoldsMechanical TestsBiomaterialsVibration
122. Amedewovo, L.,
Orgéas, L., de Pascau du Plessis, B., Lefevre, N., Lévy, A., Le Corre, S.
Deconsolidation of carbon fiber-reinforced PEKK laminates: 3D real-time in situ observation with synchrotron X-Ray microtomography.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 107917
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107917DownloadComposites3D imaging(De)consolidation
5 author(s)
7. Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L., Ferrier, D., Poncin, P., Liu, Y.
Influence of manufacturing methods on the homogeneity and properties of Nitinol tubular stents.Journal de Physique IV, p. 541-546
Journal impact factor: 0.351 10.1051/jp4:2001890DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
9. Vivet, A.,
Orgéas, L., Lexcellent, C., Favier, D., Bernardini, J.
Shear and tensile pseudoelastic behaviour of CuZnAl Single Crystals.Scripta Materialia, p. 33-40
Journal impact factor: 5.3 10.1016/S1359-6462(01)00988-5DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Gabathuler, J.-P., Imwinkelried, T., Paradies, C., Rappaz, M.
Modelling of semi-solid processing using a modified temperature-dependent power-law model.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering , p. 553-574
Journal impact factor: 1.9 10.1088/0965-0393/11/4/309DownloadRheologySimulationModelling
Orgéas, L., Vivet, A., Favier, D., Lexcellent, C., Liu, Y.
Hysteretic behaviour of a Cu-Zn-Al single crystal during superelastic shear deformation.Scripta Materialia, p. 297-302
Journal impact factor: 5.3 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2004.04.033DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
17. Idris, Z.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F., Auriault, J.-L.
Microstructural effects on the flow of power-law fluid through fibrous media.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering , p. 995-1015
Journal impact factor: 1.9 10.1088/0965-0393/12/5/016DownloadCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
Orgéas, L., Idris, Z., Geindreau, C., Bloch, J.-F., Auriault, .J-L.
Modelling the flow of power-law fluids through anisotropic porous media at low pore Reynolds number.Chemical Engineering Science , p. 4490-4502
Journal impact factor: 4.1 10.1016/j.ces.2006.01.046DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
26. Dumont, P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Pizette, P., Venet, C.
Compression moulding of SMC: in situ experiments, modelling and simulation.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 353-368
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2006.03.010DownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
35. Vassal, J.-P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Auriault, J.-L., Le Corre, S.
Upscaling the diffusion equations in particulate media made of highly conductive particles. Part II: Application to fibrous materials.Physical Review E, p. 011303
Journal impact factor: 2.2 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.011303DownloadSimulationCompositesHomogenisationConduction/Diffusion
36. Vassal, J.-P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Auriault, J.-L., Le Corre, S.
Upscaling the diffusion equations in particulate media made of highly conductive particles. Part I: theoretical aspects.Physical Review E, p. 011302
Journal impact factor: 2.2 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.011302DownloadCompositesModellingHomogenisationConduction/Diffusion
39. Loix, F., Badel, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, P., Boisse, P.
Woven fabric permeability: from textile deformation to fluid flow mesoscale simulations.Composites Science and Technology, p. 1624-1630
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2008.02.027DownloadSimulationCompositesPermeationHomogenisationLiquid Composite Moulding
49. Latil, P.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau, C., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Towards the 3D in situ Characterisation of deformation micro-mechanisms within a compressed bundle of fibres.Composites Science and Technology, p. 480-488
Journal impact factor: 8.3 10.1016/j.compscitech.2010.12.023DownloadRheologyCompositesTextilesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
51. Chagnon, G., Gaudin, V., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L., Cinquin, P.
An osmotically inflatable seal to treat endoleaks of type 1, following endovascular aneurysm repair.Journal of Mechanics in Medecine and Biology, p. 1250070
Journal impact factor: 0.8 10.1142/S0219519412004958DownloadSimulationModellingMechanical TestsField MeasurementsBiomaterials
58. Marulier, C., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Caillerie, D.
Towards 3D analysis of pulp fibre networks at the fibre and bond level.Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal , p. 245-255
Journal impact factor: 0.9DownloadBiosourced Materials3D imaging
63. Bouaziz, O., Masse, J.-P., Allain, S.,
Orgéas, L., Latil, P.
Compression of crumpled Aluminum thin foils and comparison with other cellular materials.Materials Science and Engineering: A, p. 1-7
Journal impact factor: 6.4 10.1016/j.msea.2013.01.031DownloadMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
73. Marulier, C., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Caillerie, D.
3D analysis of paper microstructures at the scale of fibres and bonds.Cellulose, p. 1517-1539
Journal impact factor: 4.9 10.1007/s10570-015-0610-6DownloadBiosourced Materials3D imaging
79. Rodney, D., Gadot, B., Riu Martinez, O., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L. Reversible dilatancy in entangled single-wire materials.Nature Materials, p. 72-77
Journal impact factor: 37.2 10.1038/NMAT4429DownloadSupplementary informationMovieSimulationModellingMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
81. Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Belgacem, M.N., Putaux, J.-L.
Micro-mechanics of electrostatically stabilized suspensions of cellulose nanofibrils under steady state shear flow.Soft Matter, p. 1721-1735
Journal impact factor: 2.9 10.1039/c5sm02310fDownloadSupplementary informationRheologyNanocelluloseMechanical TestsHomogenisationFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
84. Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Belgacem, M.N., Putaux, J.-L.
On the origin of the elasticity of cellulose nanofibrils nanocomposites and nanopapers: a micromechanical approach.RSC Advances, p. 47258-47271
Journal impact factor: 3.9 10.1039/c6ra07176gDownloadNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsHomogenisation
86. Calgar, B.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Sözer, M., Michaud, V.
Permeability of textile fabrics with spherical inclusions.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 1-14
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2017.03.031DownloadSimulationCompositesTextiles3D imagingPermeationLiquid Composite Moulding
95. Cochereau, T., Bailly, L., Orgéas ,L., Henrich Bernardoni, N., Robert, Y, Terrien, M.
Mechanics of human vocal folds layers during finite strains in tension, compression and shear.Journal of Biomechanics, p. 109956
Journal impact factor: 2.4 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2020.109956DownloadVocal FoldsMechanical Tests
99. Ferré-Sentis, D., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Martoïa, F., Sager, M.
Rheological response of compressible SMCs under various deformation kinematics: Experimental aspects and simple modelling approach.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106774
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2021.106774DownloadRheologyCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
101. Depriester, D., Rolland du Roscoat, S.,
Orgéas, L., Geindreau C., Levrard, B., Brémond, F.
Individual fibre separation in 3D fibrous materials imaged by X-ray tomography.Journal of Microscopy, p. 1-20
Journal impact factor: 1.5 10.1111/jmi.13096DownloadCompositesTextilesBiosourced Materials3D imaging
103. Caglar, B., Broggi, G., Ali, M.A.,
Orgéas, L., Michaud, V.
Deep learning accelerated prediction of the permeability of fibrous microstructures.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 106973
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106973DownloadSimulationCompositesModellingTextilesPermeationLiquid Composite Moulding
114. Amedewovo, L., Levy, A., de Parscau du Plessix, B.,
Orgéas, L., Le Corre, S.
Online characterization of moisture transport in a high performance carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite at high temperatures: identification of diffusion kinetics.Composites Part B: EngineeringJournal impact factor: 12.7 10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.110629DownloadCompositesModellingConduction/Diffusion
118. Aimar, C.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bailly, L., Ferré Sentis, D.
Fatigue mechanisms of a closed cell elastomeric foam: a mechanical and microstructural study using ex situ X-ray microtomography.Polymer Testing, p. 108194
Journal impact factor: 5 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2023.108194DownloadHighlighted in a commentary of Science FeaturedMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresFatigue
123. Aimar, C.,
Orgéas, L., Rolland du Roscoat, S., Bailly, L., Ferré Sentis, D.
Compression fatigue of elastomeric foams used in midsoles of running shoes.Footwear Science, p. 1-11
Journal impact factor: 2.7 10.1080/19424280.2024.2317881DownloadMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresFatigue
4 author(s)
21. Le Corre, S., Dumont, P.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Rheology of highly concentrated planar fiber suspensions.Journal of Rheology, p. 1029-1058
Journal impact factor: 3 10.1122/1.1993594DownloadRheologyCompositesModellingMechanical TestsHomogenisationFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
25. Schlosser, P., Louche, H., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Image processing to estimate the heat sources related to phase transformations during tensile tests of NiTi tubes.Strain , p. 260-271
Journal impact factor: 1.8DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
31. Schlosser, P., Louche, H., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Experimental characterization of NiTi SMAs thermomechanical behaviour using temperature and strain full-field measurements.Advanced Science and Technology , p. 140-149
No impact factor availableDownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Michaud, V., Favier, D.
Separation of the polymer matrix and the fibrous reinforcement during compression moulding of Glass Mat Thermoplastics (GMT).International Journal of Material Forming, p. 929-932
Journal impact factor: 2.6 10.1007/s12289-008-0249-zDownloadRheologySimulationCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
38. Meunier, L., Chagnon, G., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Experimental and numerical study of the mechanical behaviour of an unfilled silicone rubber.Polymer Testing, p. 765-777
Journal impact factor: 5 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2008.05.011DownloadSimulationModellingMechanical TestsField MeasurementsBiomaterials
Orgéas, L., Le, T.H., Dumont, P.J.J., Favier, D.
Lubricated compression of BMC, a concentrated and fibre-reinforced granular polymer suspension.Rheologica Acta, p. 677-688
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s00397-008-0276-1DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
55. Louche, H., Schlosser, P., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Heat source processing for localized deformation with nonconstant thermal conductivity. Application to superelastic tensile tests of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys.Experimental Mechanics, p. 1313-1328
Journal impact factor: 2 10.1007/s11340-012-9607-3DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical TestsField Measurements
57. Guiraud, O.,
Orgéas, L., Dumont, P.J.J., Rolland du Roscoat, S.
Microstructure and deformation micro-mechanisms of concentrated fibre bundle suspensions: an analysis combining X-ray microtomography and pull-out tests.Journal of Rheology, p. 593-623
Journal impact factor: 3 10.1122/1.3698185DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical Tests3D imagingFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
59. Guiraud, O., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Rheometry of compression moulded fibre-reinforced polymer composites: rheology, compressibility, and friction forces with mould surfaces.Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, p. 2107-2119
Journal impact factor: 8.1 10.1016/j.compositesa.2012.06.006DownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
104. Martoïa, F., Gupta, S., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L.Rheology of concentrated and highly concentrated enzymatic cellulose nanofibril hydrogels during lubricated compression.Carbohydrate Polymers, p. 119911
Journal impact factor: 10.7 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.119911DownloadRheologyNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
105. Touron, M., Celle, C.,
Orgéas, L., Simonato, J.-P.
Hybrid Silver Nanowire - CMC Aerogels: from 1D Nanomaterials to 3D Electrically Conductive and Mechanically Resistant Lightweight Architectures..ACS NanoJournal impact factor: 15.8 10.1021/acsnano.2c04288DownloadMechanical TestsEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structuresConduction/Diffusion
Orgéas, L., Gupta, S., Martoïa, F., Dumont, P.J.J.
Ice-templating hydrogels with high concentrations of cellulose nanofibers to produce architected cellular materials for structural applications.Materials & Design Journal impact factor: 7.6 10.1016/j.matdes.2022.111201DownloadNanocelluloseBiosourced MaterialsMechanical Tests3D imagingEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures
107. Dumont, PJ.J., Gupta, S., Martoia, F.,
Orgéas, L.Elongational behaviour of electrostatically stabilised and concentrated CNF and CNC hydrogels: experimental aspects and modelling.Carbohydrate PolymersJournal impact factor: 10.7 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120168DownloadRheologyNanocelluloseModellingBiosourced MaterialsMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/Hydrogels
3 author(s)
Orgéas, L., Liu, Y., Favier, D.
Experimental study of mechanical hysteresis of NiTi during ferroelastic and pseudoelastic deformation.Journal de Physique IV, p. 477-482
Journal impact factor: 0.351DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Favier, D., Rio, G.
Déformation superélastique non homogène d'une éprouvette de traction de NiTi : expérience et modélisation numérique.European Journal of Computational Mechanics, p. 111-136
No impact factor availableDownloadShape Memory AlloysSimulationModelling
14. Liu, Y., Favier, D.,
Orgéas, L.Mechanistic simulation of thermomechanical behaviour of thermoelastic martensitic transformations in polycrystalline shape memory alloys.Journal de Physique IV, p. 37-45
Journal impact factor: 0.351 10.1051/jp4:2004115005DownloadShape Memory AlloysModellingMechanical Tests
47. Le, T.H.,
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Research on the thermal and mechanical behaviour of thermoset polymer composites reinforced with glass fibres.Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam), p. 95-100
No impact factor availableDownloadRheologyCompositesModellingMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
61. Guiraud, O., Dumont, P.J.J.,
Orgéas, L.How to prepare SMC and BMC-like compounds to perform relevant rheological experiments?.Applied Composites Materials, p. 157-169
Journal impact factor: 2.3 10.1007/s10443-012-9261-zDownloadRheologyCompositesMechanical TestsFibrous Suspensions/HydrogelsCompression Moulding
2 author(s)
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Application of the beam theory to model the pseudoelastic and ferroelastic bending of SMA beams.Journal de Physique IV, p. 519-524
Journal impact factor: 0.351DownloadShape Memory AlloysModellingMechanical Tests
Orgéas, L., Favier, D.
Stress state effects on mechanical behaviour of shape memory alloys: experimental characterisation and modelling.Journal de Physique IV, p. 67-74
Journal impact factor: 0.351 10.1051/jp4:2001812DownloadShape Memory AlloysMechanical Tests
1 author(s)
Orgéas, L.Chain-mail fabric stiffens under confining pressure.NatureJournal impact factor: 50.5 10.1038/d41586-021-02116-2DownloadSimulationMechanical TestsEntangled/Crumpled/Cellular structures3D printing